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The Importance of a Morning Ritual

Does your current morning routine consist of hitting the snooze button four times and walking out the door five minutes later as you put on your shoes and eat a protein bar, all while checking email on your phone?

From that point on, our entire day can feel like we’re always trying to rush and catch up, never really feeling on top of our game or very productive.

We can do better! Many of us are busy, have a lot of responsibilities and obligations, and often feel strapped for time. Having a great morning routine can make all the difference in being productive, achieving goals, feeling organised, and doing all of this with confidence.

The Importance of a Morning Ritual

Let’s take an ordinary day in your life when nothing feels particularly terrible or wonderful.

  • You wake up and… How do you greet this day?
  • Is this a perfect day or 24 hours of hassle?
  • Is your life a precious gift or are you just struggling to survive?

Believe it or not, you can choose the quality of your experiences: it’s not what happens to you that counts but rather how you deal with what happens to you.

“What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it.”

The morning routine sets the tone of your day. No matter how shitty yesterday was or how much you have to do today, the morning ritual is your daily constant— your totally 100% selfish ritual. It’s the time that you allocate towards yourself, every day, no matter what. It keeps you sane.

I never realised the importance of having a morning ritual until a few years ago. While doing some research, I came across a couple of videos by Pick Up Limes’ ‘Becoming a Morning Person‘ and ‘Healthy Morning Habits‘.

Getting inspired by others is always a good start, but what’s important to remember is that it’s all very individual and personal.

My current morning routine is:

  • I wake up between 5-6 AM (depending on how I feel)
  • I mindfully drink a cup of tea while looking at and listening to the waves
  • A yoga session
  • A morning stroll along the beach while listening to an audiobook
  • I do some journaling
  • I listen to an inspirational podcast or watch something inspiring
  • I plan and visualise my day
  • I indulge in a healthy and nourishing breakfast
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Your morning routine should evolve and change. If something isn’t working, change it. Don’t latch on just because someone else is doing it.

Build your morning ritual

So, here’s how you get started – pick 4 habits (from the list below) and start them tomorrow. Yes, just 4. You can add more later, but it’s best to start small. Pick the ones that resonate with you the most. Do them every morning immediately after you wake up for the next 30 days.

A 4-Minute Morning Routine to Activate Your Positive Energy

  • GRATITUDE: Releases stress and rewire the brain. Bring your awareness into your heart centre as you speak about what you’re grateful for.
  • STRETCH & JUMP: It’s an easy way to boost circulation in your body. Lymphatics rely on movement to get moving and detox energy-draining toxins. Your heart + lymphatics get moving with gentle stretching or 1 minute of jumping rope.
  • DEEP BREATHING: 10 deep belly breaths can flood your body with energising oxygen & life energy. The key? BREATHE WITH INTENTION for your body to heal & feel energised. Deep breaths activate the calming of your nervous system and regulate the stress response.
  • WATER & INTENTION: Drink water with intention. Treat it like a mini meditation. Feel grateful, visualise your day going as planned, and speak life + good into your body and water as you drink it. Water is energy & has memory. Infuse it with loving intentions to energise your body

READ MORE: 100 Morning Affirmations

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Morning Habits suggestions

  • Wake up earlier than you would normally do
  • Drink a tall glass of water as soon as you get out of bed (keep a glass of water on your night table so when you wake up, simply grab it and drink it)
  • Make your bed immediately
  • Do some exercise; Yoga, running etc.
  • Eat a protein and fat-rich breakfast within 1 hour of getting up – don’t forget your vitamins
  • Floss after breakfast
  • Do some journaling
  • Do some meditation
  • Plan your entire day in 15-60 minute increments
  • Put out your clothes for the day
  • Dress your absolute best for the day (EVEN if you work from home)
  • Take your multivitamins every day
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10 Journaling Prompts for Creating a Morning Ritual

  1. Reflect on Your Current Mornings: How do you typically start your mornings? What activities bring you energy and focus? What activities leave you feeling rushed or stressed?
  2. Identify Your Morning Goals: What do you want to achieve or experience during your mornings? Do you want to feel more energized, focused, or relaxed?
  3. Choose Your Ritual Elements: What activities would you like to incorporate into your morning ritual? Consider things like meditation, exercise, journaling, reading, or spending time in nature.
  4. Create a Routine: Establish a consistent routine for your morning ritual. Decide when you will start and end your ritual, and what specific activities you will include.
  5. Mindset Shift: What mindset shifts can help you approach your morning ritual with a positive and energized attitude?
  6. Self-Care Integration: How can you incorporate self-care activities into your morning ritual? Consider things like skincare, stretching, or practising gratitude.
  7. Create a Stimulating Environment: What kind of environment helps you feel energized and focused? Consider factors like lighting, temperature, and noise level.
  8. Involve Loved Ones: How can you involve your loved ones in your morning ritual? Consider family breakfasts, shared activities, or words of encouragement.
  9. Flexibility and Adaptation: How can you build flexibility into your morning ritual to accommodate unexpected events or changes?
  10. Celebrate Your Successes: As you establish your morning ritual, celebrate your successes and progress. This can help you stay motivated and committed.
Level up Your Morning Routine
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The Six Morning Practices

The concept is simple. Block one hour every morning that is devoted to personal development following 6 simple practices.

Let’s take a look at the foundation of a morning routine, using the acronym Life S.A.V.E.R.S. to explain the six habits.

  • Silence (Meditation)
  • Affirmations
  • Visualisation
  • Exercise
  • Reading
  • Scribing (Journaling)

These are the beliefs that motivate the actions. Believe in yourself. You are worthy and capable of creating an extraordinary and successful life.
Focus on personal development. You must dedicate time each day to becoming the person you need to be to live the life you want.
Success starts in the morning. Successful mornings lead to successful days…which leads to a successful life.

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5 things to do in the morning to have a productive day

  • Drink a big glass of water and eat something for breakfast. Staying hydrated and having something in your stomach will keep you focused and ready to tackle your to-do list
  • Get some fresh air (if you can). Soaking up 15 minutes of sunshine for some Vitamin D, or a quick walk around the block will help you stay alert throughout the morning
  • Do something you enjoy. Whether it’s reading a book or watching your favourite YouTuber, sneak in a few minutes of something fun before diving into work or errands
  • Tidy up your living or workspace. Take a moment to clean up any dishes in the sink, or clear off yesterday’s papers from your desk. A clean space will keep you from getting distracted by clutter
  • Schedule plans to look forward to. Plan a happy hour with a friend, or finally book that weekend getaway you’ve been saving for, and staying on task will feel a little less like a chore.

Now it’s your turn; What does your ideal morning routine look and feel like and how do you start your day?

Feel free to sign up to my Sunday Morning Letters HERE! It's like having a cup of tea and a chat with me on Sunday mornings - a strong dose of inspiration and encouragement to help you Curate & Live a Well-Designed Life; Consciously, Intentionally & Wholeheartedly. I want you to live your life fully - each day, less on autopilot and more on purpose - living a life of meaning ♡


I am Kiran and I'm a Lifestyle Coach, Podcast Host, Vegetarian Nutritionist, NLP Master Practitioner, Author and an Interior Designer.

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