Live a Well-Designed Life Quality of Life

Happiness Habits: Daily Practices for a More Joyful Life

Have you ever felt like every day is just a relentless merry-go-round, where each day feels more chaotic than the one before? Like you’re trying your best, but things just keep throwing you off course? And then you think, “When did I last feel truly happy?” If this sounds like you, know that you’re not alone.

Many of us are caught up in the fast pace of life and forget to enjoy the little moments. But here’s a little secret: life isn’t about rushing to the end. It’s about enjoying each step along the way.

So, are you curious to find out how to add some joy back into your life? Let’s dive into some unique practices that can help you find happiness every day.

Decluttering Digital Spaces

Do you remember the relief you felt the last time you tidied up your room? Imagine that same feeling but for your online world!

Our phones and PCs are full of unused apps, old photos, and endless emails. Just like a messy room can make us feel stressed, a cluttered digital space can make our minds feel overloaded. Yes, you read it right!

So, it’s important to declutter your digital space. But how? Well, remember, it’s all about little steps.

For instance, think about your social media. How many accounts do you follow that no longer make you feel good? Unfollowing them can be like throwing away old stuff you no longer need. Cleaning up your digital space doesn’t just help your device run better; it helps you feel better, too!

READ MORE: 7 Ways to Simplify Your Digital Space & Gadgets

Rediscovering the Joy of Being a Fan

Remember those days when supporting your favourite team or artist made your heart race? It wasn’t just about the game or the music; it was the whole experience of being a dedicated fan.

Take the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, for instance. If you’re a fan, it’s not just about catching every game. It’s also about donning your favourite Tampa Bay Buccaneers gear and having a game day with your family and friends.

Believe it or not, rediscovering such a level of enthusiasm can be a simple yet powerful way to add joy to your everyday life. So, why not relive those fan days? Whether it’s sports, music, or any other passion, dive in wholeheartedly. It’s time to fanboy or fangirl all over again!

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READ MORE: What makes You feel Alive in Your Life Go back to the Heart of it All!

Nurturing a Hobby Beyond Passion

When was the last time you tried doing something just for fun? Not because you’re amazing at it, but just because it makes you happy? Understand that sometimes, it’s not about being the best at something. Instead, it’s about enjoying the process.

Think about it. When you dive into a hobby without the pressure to be perfect, it’s freeing. Maybe it’s drawing even if you’re no artist. Or dancing like no one’s watching. When there’s no pressure to excel, you find joy in every little step.

So remind yourself that it’s okay not to be the best. Sometimes, it’s more fun to be a happy learner than a stressed expert. So, go ahead, embrace a hobby, and let it bring joy into your days.

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READ MORE: Autumn… The Season to try something new

Practising ‘The One-Minute Rule’

Do you ever look around and see tiny tasks waiting for your attention? Tasks that could be finished quickly but keep getting pushed to “later”? Maybe it’s doing dishes or replying to that email. Well, we all have those moments. But don’t worry, here’s a simple trick to tackle them: the ‘One-Minute Rule.’

The idea is pretty simple. If something takes less than a minute to do, don’t wait. Do it right away. This could be anything – putting a cup in the sink, answering a short text, or making your bed.

Following this rule can make a big difference. Not only will you have fewer tasks piling up, but you’ll also feel lighter and more accomplished. It’s a small change that can greatly boost your daily happiness.

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READ MORE: The 80/20 Rule

Becoming a Curious Listener

Have you ever talked to someone and felt they were just waiting their turn to speak? It’s a common feeling. In today’s world, true listening has become a rare skill.

But imagine if you became that person who truly listens. Not just hearing words but deeply tuning into what others are saying. This is what we call being a ‘curious listener.’

When you listen with genuine curiosity, you’re not just waiting to reply. You’re fully present, eager to understand their story. This kind of listening makes people feel valued. Plus, it can open your eyes to new ideas and views.

By being a curious listener, you build stronger connections and learn more about the world around you. It’s a simple habit, but it can bring so much joy.

READ MORE: Are you listening to your inner voice?

Happiness isn’t just about big moments or grand events. It’s found in the little things we do every day. So, whenever life gets hard, remember it’s the simple acts that’ll bring you joy. Take a step back, adopt these habits, and watch your days become brighter and happier.

5 Ways to you rediscover the joy inside you

Rediscovering joy within oneself can be a personal and unique journey, but here are some general tips that might help:

  1. Practice gratitude: Focus on the good things in your life and make a conscious effort to appreciate them. This can help shift your perspective to a more positive and joyful one.
  2. Engage in activities you enjoy: Think about the activities that used to bring you joy and make time to do them. Whether it’s painting, hiking, or playing an instrument, doing what you love can help bring back a sense of happiness and fulfilment.
  3. Connect with others: Spending time with friends and family, or even joining a community group or club, can provide a sense of belonging and social support, which can be essential for overall well-being.
  4. Take care of yourself: Engage in self-care practices such as getting enough sleep, eating nutritious foods, and exercising regularly. When your body and mind are healthy, it can be easier to feel joyful and optimistic.
  5. Embrace new experiences: Trying new things can be exciting and invigorating, and can help you discover new sources of joy and fulfilment. Whether it’s travelling to a new place, learning a new skill, or meeting new people, stepping outside of your comfort zone can be a powerful way to rediscover joy within yourself.

Final Words

Remember that everyone’s journey to rediscovering joy is unique, so be patient and compassionate with yourself as you explore what brings you happiness and fulfilment.

Feel free to sign up to my Sunday Morning Letters HERE! It's like having a cup of tea and a chat with me on Sunday mornings - a strong dose of inspiration and encouragement to help you Curate & Live a Well-Designed Life; Consciously, Intentionally & Wholeheartedly. I want you to live your life fully - each day, less on autopilot and more on purpose - living a life of meaning ♡


I am Kiran and I'm a Lifestyle Coach, Podcast Host, Vegetarian Nutritionist, NLP Master Practitioner, Author and an Interior Designer.

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