Showing 415 Result(s)
Daily Dose of Inspiration
Daily Dose of Inspiration

3 rules that help anyone feel more put-together

Although being an ‘adult’ looks different for everyone, feeling like you’ve got your s**t together is something we can all benefit from. And sometimes, the key is weaving small realistic “housekeeping” tasks into your day-to-day self-care routine.  Keep a running list of your work (and life!) accomplishments, both large and small. This way, you have …

Daily Dose of Inspiration
Daily Dose of Inspiration

6 things to do at the end of the week to ensure a stress-free weekend

Do your less-than-fun chores on Thursday evening or Friday morning so you head into the weekend feeling unburdened Before you quit work for the week, make a to-do list for Monday morning so you don’t have to think about it until then Change out of your version of – work clothes – and into your …

Daily Dose of Inspiration
Daily Dose of Inspiration

There are two ways of Living Life

Existing Creating When we are EXISTING, we have no boundaries or intentions; we are living day-to-day based on other’s agendas and priorities; we are living with dysregulated emotions such as overwhelmed, resentfulness, frustration…. anger… it’s like living on a roller coaster, with many ups & downs; we are triggered easily, and we have this sense …

Daily Dose of Inspiration
Daily Dose of Inspiration

We are all here on earth to create & live a life we love!

Yet then why are there so many people struggling and filled with pain, anger and frustration? I see two main reasons: Our inner obstacles, wounds & trauma that have never been healed create dysregulated emotions & behaviours which ultimately become our autopilot which runs the show. If you’re being triggered often & you have a …