Live a Well-Designed Life Quality of Life

Ways to bring the outside in

Intuitively, we know that getting outside is good for us. It lifts our spirits, blows away the cobwebs and leaves us feeling ready to take on our next challenge. So, why not bring the outdoors in? 

Being amongst nature has been proven to reduce stress, so it follows that it is good for both our cardio health as well as our mental health. Fostering a connection with nature inside our homes can also help improve our overall well-being, so here I share simple ways in which you can bring the outside in, in support of your health. 


The easiest way to bring the outside inside is through plants. Be that a potted fern on a bookshelf, a spider plant hanging from the ceiling or a terrarium filled with succulents, not only are they aesthetically pleasing but they are also good for you. They improve air quality by removing toxins, releasing oxygen and helping regulate humidity, adding a sense of freshness to your home.

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Use natural materials

By embracing natural elements in inside spaces, you are imitating nature. We understand natural materials such as stone and wood are a great way to help create a restful indoor space that will leave the occupant feeling connected and restored.  

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Let natural light in

Natural light is important for you, it improves sleep, boosts our vitamin D levels and can help fight seasonal depression. With more natural light coming through your house, the less need you will have for interior lights, reducing your carbon footprint through less electricity consumption. 

RELATED: 5 Ways to Connect with Nature 

Decorate your rooms with small finds from nature

When you are out walking and you find a pinecone, fallen conkers or a discarded feather, pick it up as a keepsake and use it to style a bookshelf or tablescape in your dining room for some seasonally inspired creativity.

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Choose a natural colour scheme

Rather than splashing bright pinks and purples onto the wall, try to incorporate earthy tones into your decorative scheme. Matching colours from natural materials such as grey from slate and green from foliage can help blur the lines between inside and outside, creating restful, nature-inspired spaces that aid relaxation.  

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Biophilic design

Biophilic design is a concept to enhance our connectivity with nature through the use of cues from nature to inform an interior scheme. The team have recently used elements of biophilic design to inform the new gym. Drawing on our natural setting, they have created a relaxing environment in which to train with positivity and focus. Using wall space for promoting nature and indoor planting to improve indoor air quality have been key components of the design scheme. 

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Choose furniture made from natural materials

Use natural fibres such as wicker, rattan, hemp, and jute in your interior design scheme to connect with nature. These can be found in baskets, rugs, cushions, wall art, and larger pieces of furniture such as tables. Generally more textural in nature than man-made alternatives, they create interest and calm.  

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Remove carpets and replace them with natural flooring

Natural home decors such as wooden floorboards or tiles can create a seamless transition from the outside in. Not only are they easier to keep clean, the texture of natural flooring underfoot has a grounding effect. It connects us with the outdoors which benefits us emotionally.

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Use natural fragrances

Burn candles or use diffusers with natural essential oils rather than synthetic fragrances. Being in nature is a multi-sensory experience, so our indoor spaces should be too. Not only can natural fragrances help make you feel more relaxed, but they can also aid mindful meditation and promote restful sleep.

RELATED: 10 Easy Ways to Bring Spring Into Your Home

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I am Kiran and I'm a Lifestyle Coach, Podcast Host, Vegetarian Nutritionist, NLP Master Practitioner, Author and an Interior Designer.

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