Health & Well-being Quality of Life

Why Growing Your Own Food is Good for the Mind and Body

What could bring you closer to nature than growing your own food? Plant the seed, watch it sprout, nurture it, water it, see it thrive, carefully harvest, cook and enjoy! There are so many reasons why growing your own food is so important, even if you have never tried it before.

You can start with just sprouting mung beans in your kitchen, or planting your balcony with a few tomato or chilli plants in pots – right through to digging up your garden and getting planting on a larger scale!

The point is that anyone can grow plants. Sure there may be a few mistakes along the way, but just start again or ask a friend who may know a little more!

Here are some of the reasons you should get growing:

Puts you in touch with nature

Get in touch with nature and watch the miracle of life unfold on your own window ledge. Don’t be afraid to get your hands a bit messy on the earth. Soil is the foundation of life and we should not be afraid to get a little dirty! Just wash your hands before eating!

Bring joy to your life

Growing your own vegetables can bring so much pleasure and joy. The simple pleasure of caring for and nurturing another life shouldn’t be underestimated.

Benefits of Eating Seasonal Produce
RELATED: Benefits of Eating Seasonal Produce

Taste the difference

The taste of your own home-grown produce can be so far detached from those bought in a store or supermarket. Give it a go and you will be surprised.

Higher in nutrients

The fresher your vegetables the better they will be for you. The vitamin content of vegetables drops the older they get. So something straight from the garden to the pot or plate will be better for you, plus if you have grown organically – there will be no pesticides or herbicides anywhere near them.

Appreciate the circle of life

Working with the seasons brings us closer to the circle of life. You grow your plants in the spring and summer then in autumn and winter, you see them die. This may seem sad, but it is the reality of life. What’s more, this should not be viewed as the end of something but the start of something new.

If you have space, take your old plants and compost them with all your other vegetable waste. This compost can then be used in the years to come to feed and nourish your future crops!

These are just some of the good reasons you should get growing this year. So why not give it a go?

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I am Kiran and I'm a Lifestyle Coach, Podcast Host, Vegetarian Nutritionist, NLP Master Practitioner, Author and an Interior Designer.

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