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Daily Dose of Inspiration
Daily Dose of Inspiration

How to Get Inspired (When You’re Absolutely Not Feeling it)

Music producer Rick Rubin uses an exercise to help songwriters who are having a hard time writing new material for themselves, he asks them to:⁠ Choose an artist that they like as a reference. ⁠ Then write a song for them to sing. ⁠ ⁠He finds that it helps them to remove their self-imposed boundaries. …

How to reframe your mindset to stay motivated when the journey is tough
Quality of Life

How to reframe your mindset to stay motivated when the journey is tough

1. Journaling Oh yes, I am a broken record, but journaling is a fantastic way to work through your emotions, level up your self-awareness and work through blockages you might have. 2. Strong self-care routine Taking after yourself is imperative for staying strong on your journey, no one can hustle 24/7… that’s how you get …