Daily Dose of Inspiration

6 Basic Dimensions of Wellness

Daily Dose of Inspiration

Emotional Wellness – is about being able to acknowledge and channel our feeling. For instance, expressing love and other emotions. Spiritual Wellness – is about having a set of guiding beliefs, principles, and values that give meaning, purpose, and direction to our lives. Intellectual Wellness – is our ability to open our minds to new …

Daily Dose of Inspiration

Do you feel out of touch with your emotions?

Daily Dose of Inspiration

I’ve been there. I blamed myself and thought that there was something wrong with me. I kept thinking “if only I wore XXXX”, “if I’m confident in doing YYYY”, and “if I was someone else”. I became a perfectionist, an overachiever, and a people pleaser because I felt that whatever I did or said, was …

Live a Well-Designed Life Quality of Life

The Importance of seasonal living and a slow and simple life

The Importance of seasonal living and a slow and simple life

It’s human to experience the ebb and flow of life. We move through seasons of transition and uncertainty; we tilt between self-confidence and self-doubt; we experience shifting levels of energy or productivity and changes in what we need or want. We witness death and new life. Life is messy. And beautiful. Living awake and seasonally allows …

Daily Dose of Inspiration

Journal Prompts to Stop Procrastinating and Finally Take Action

Daily Dose of Inspiration

“If you truly feel that self-esteem and motivation have to happen first before you can make changes in your life, then we’ll probably be sharing walkers at a retirement home as we talk over what might have been.” ~ Shannon Alder Is this you? you’re waiting to feel ready enough in order to take action …

Daily Dose of Inspiration

How are you showing up in the world?

Daily Dose of Inspiration

Are you showing up with confidence and emotional strength? Are you showing up with kindness and compassion? Are you showing up bold, bright and beautiful? You can choose how you present yourself to the world. You may feel invisible, but that’s a reflection of how you feel inside, it’s a way of subconsciously hiding. And …

Daily Dose of Inspiration

Whatever matters most to you – decide to do it daily

Daily Dose of Inspiration

If you aim for most days, you’ll only do it sometimes. ⁠⁠Do it daily, and the discipline is on – but the pressure is off. ⁠⁠You’ve already decided. It’s getting done. ⁠⁠Now you have to go through the motions. ⁠⁠Instead of questioning: Is today one of the days? Does today count? Do weekends count? Ah, …