Live a Well-Designed Life Quality of Life

My intentions for the rest of the Summer

I spent some time this morning journaling my intentions for the rest of the Summer season. The last 4 months have been very overwhelming and emotional with the passing away of my youngest brother in Norway.

Since back home, my body, nervous system and inner self have been asking me to slow down. I am being shown that I need to come deeper into a space of feeling, being and presence, rather than thinking, planning and action.

So for the rest of the Summer season, I will be focusing on:

  • Holding space for myself.
  • Allow me to grieve
  • Create more space, do less, take things off my plate, and make more room so I feel less rushed and under pressure.
  • More lightness, less seriousness, play, laughter, love, adventure, connection, intimacy and creativity.
  • Clean up energy leaks, identify what feels draining or depleting, and let it go so I can put energy into what uplifts and expands me.
  • Shift my priorities back onto self-care, rest, replenishment and nourishment and away from so much doing and outputting.
  • I no longer override my inner guidance by saying Yes to things when I truly want to say No.

It’s not just about bringing on new practices and rituals but also taking an honest look at what I need to let go of. I’ve spent the last 6+ months letting go of excessive materialistic possessions, clearing out my digital space and more – BASICALLY, simplifying my overall life.

How I radically simplified my life in the last 18 months
READ MORE: How I radically simplified my life in the last 18 months

The truth is; that letting go of what is weighing us down and making more space for what nourishes us, fulfils us and lights us up because realistically; we all get swept up in external demands, to-do’s and obligations. We all get pulled outwards by other people’s wants, opinions and expectations. So it is important that we consciously show up for the work to plug back into ourselves whenever we can.

Be on your own ‘to do’ list
READ MORE: Be on your own ‘to-do’ list

What are your intentions for the rest of the Summer?

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I am Kiran and I'm a Lifestyle Coach, Podcast Host, Vegetarian Nutritionist, NLP Master Practitioner, Author and an Interior Designer.

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