Health & Well-being Quality of Life

How to Create Mindful Daily Rituals that Actually Stick

Self-care is creating space for positive actions that help keep stress levels in check and do what’s necessary to maintain healthy harmony in your daily life – mentally, physically, and emotionally.

The power of mindful rituals goes way beyond just showing yourself some love when you’ve got the time. Rituals are about making the time to prioritise your mindset and well-being as something equally important as all the other obligations that stack up in your calendar every week. They’re about slowing down, being present at that moment, setting your intentions, and doing something you enjoy or that will create a positive impact on your day.  

Mindful daily rituals don’t have to be complicated. There’s no need to conform to any set expectations. It’s all about progression – not perfection. So, feel empowered by the steps you take. You can simply be YOU, unplug, sit, breathe, and tune in. It can be as simple as taking 5 minutes out of your day to focus on your breath. Scan how your body feels. Take in the present moment.

How to Create Mindful Daily Rituals That Actually Stick

So, how to create mindful daily rituals that stick? Keep reading…

One size does not fit all

There’s no right or wrong way here, and there are no rules that you should feel compelled to follow. With so many different variations, recommendations and ideas out there, it’s all too easy to get swept up by what other people are doing. While it’s fine to be inspired by what others are doing, what matters most is that you find what works for you. Keep it simple. You don’t need to try to do everything. Remember, the most beneficial habits are the ones you can stick to.

TIP: If you’re not sure how to create your ritual, write down a few ideas that are speaking to you and try out different things! See what makes you feel the best, and what you think you can incorporate into your day. Find what resonates with you. It’s your practice – you get to own it.

Your Body, Your Soul, Your Rituals
READ MORE: Your Body, Your Soul, Your Rituals

Acknowledge the mindful habits you’re already practising

Take stock of the things you do routinely.  You might even have some rituals of your own that you haven’t even noticed.  Do you make a cup of tea first thing in the morning? Do you check on your plant babies when you wake up? Or maybe you have a certain yoga class each week that you ‘go to religiously’? Do you go for a walk in the evenings? Well, surprise! You’ve got yourself a ritual.

So often we don’t even notice the habits and patterns we’ve formed and solidified over time. Take a moment to acknowledge the foundations you’ve already created without even consciously trying to. When you tune in, see how they make you feel and the intentions behind them.

Micro Habits 101
READ MORE: Micro Habits 101

Identify your non-negotiables

Life changes, schedules change, and stuff is always going to come up – it’s inevitable. The reality is you may not be able to stick to the same practice every single day. Having said that, no matter what my day looks like there are a few non-negotiables that help me maintain a sense of control and balance even when it feels like my schedule is hitting the fan.

My current morning non-negotiables are my daily journaling practice and my chai latte ritual. It may sound silly, but these two things are what keep me grounded and ready to take on the day.

Even if you’re feeling short on time, please don’t push off the things that bring you internal and external joy. Make it a priority, especially when you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed. That’s when you need it most.

Not sure where to start? Here’s a list of ideas of rituals you can cultivate into your life that will bring you more peace and joy.

  • Drink a big glass of water when you wake up
  • Meditate or sit in silence with your thoughts for 5-10 minutes
  • Reset your space each morning: clear off your surfaces, clean dirty dishes put everything back in its ‘home’, make your bed, etc.
  • Walk outside hands-free (no tech)
  • Call your loved ones (when’s the last time you called your grandparents?)
  • Cook at home
  • Journal, write and let it all flow onto the pages
  • Do something active that makes you sweat
  • Check your bank account
  • Read a book before bed
  • Cuddle with your furbaby
  • Go to bed 15 minutes early

Remember every little bit counts. It’s the little things done consistently that will add up to the big things. And the best kind of change isn’t always something you can physically see. It’s something you feel internally, in the deepest parts of you. Don’t overthink it, just start somewhere. Stop talking about what you want to change, and just live it.

READ MORE: The Importance of Having Daily Non-negotiables

My Sunday Evening Ritual for Grounding & Focus
READ MORE: My Sunday Evening Ritual for Grounding & Focus

Rituals with no added time


You know that morning drink you make yourself, the moment you open the door and cross the threshold to leave the house when you do your make-up or wait in line for that bus, coffee, or elevator door? Mark it, be conscious of it. Consciously recognise that moment and notice it. What’s the date? This is you, starting your day, showing up. If you have a bit longer why not take a moment to ponder and reflect, do you remember what you were doing this day last year? What do you think this day next year might look like? Choose your activity and make it into a ritual.


There is nothing better than consciously marking a night-time activity and making it into a ‘cleansing’ ritual. That hot flannel or wipe on your face whilst removing your make-up, the evening bath, the hot drink or glass of water, lavender spray on the pillows, a big hug with a cohabitor (pets included) or simply just the removal of our clothes for bed… this is you, ending your day.

Shedding the things that don’t matter and mentally clearing the energy you’ve picked up. Choose your activity and make it into a ritual.

Three rituals that transformed my life

  1. Anchor in my expansive vision
  2. Edit the to-do’s and curate 3 aligned actions in line with the big picture
  3. From vision – feel and melt into different intentions and goals in each area of your life

Your turn – What are rituals that have made a difference in your life?

Everyday Rituals to Enhance Well-being
READ MORE: Everyday Rituals to Enhance Well-being

10 Journaling Prompts for Creating Mindful Daily Rituals

  1. Reflect on Your Current Habits: What are your current daily habits? Which ones bring you joy and fulfilment? Which ones drain your energy or leave you feeling stressed?
  2. Identify Your Goals: What do you want to achieve through your mindful daily rituals? Do you want to reduce stress, improve your focus, increase your creativity, or something else?
  3. Choose Meaningful Activities: What activities bring you joy, peace, or a sense of connection? Consider things like meditation, yoga, journaling, spending time in nature, or practising gratitude.
  4. Start Small and Gradually Build: Begin with one or two simple rituals and gradually add more as you become comfortable. This will help you avoid feeling overwhelmed or discouraged.
  5. Find a Consistent Time: Choose a consistent time of day for your rituals. This will help you establish a routine and make them a regular part of your day.
  6. Create a Conducive Environment: Create a peaceful and relaxing environment for your rituals. This could involve lighting candles, playing calming music, or creating a comfortable space.
  7. Mindset Shift: What mindset shifts can help you approach your rituals with a positive and open-minded attitude?
  8. Involve Loved Ones: How can you involve your loved ones in your rituals? Consider shared activities, words of encouragement, or a supportive community.
  9. Celebrate Your Progress: Acknowledge and celebrate your successes, no matter how small. This will help you stay motivated and committed.
  10. Be Patient and Persistent: Creating lasting habits takes time and effort. Be patient with yourself and don’t give up, even if you encounter setbacks.

Feel free to sign up to my Sunday Morning Letters HERE! It's like having a cup of tea and a chat with me on Sunday mornings - a strong dose of inspiration and encouragement to help you Curate & Live a Well-Designed Life; Consciously, Intentionally & Wholeheartedly. I want you to live your life fully - each day, less on autopilot and more on purpose - living a life of meaning ♡


I am Kiran and I'm a Lifestyle Coach, Podcast Host, Vegetarian Nutritionist, NLP Master Practitioner, Author and an Interior Designer.

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