Daily Dose of Inspiration

Happiness isn’t always what we think it is. Sometimes it’s:

Daily Dose of Inspiration

Happiness isn’t always the glorious thing we think it is. It’s a quieter feeling within. The magic that dances beneath. I always like to remind clients that we go with us wherever we go so we can’t search for happiness we have to find it within ourselves first. It’s linked to self-esteem so working on …

Daily Dose of Inspiration

What do you want a little more of in this season of your life? What do you want a little less of?

Daily Dose of Inspiration

This is a simple exercise I use regularly to help me notice where I’ve taken on too much or have a leaky boundary. And also to name the truth of what I want and need and make space for it. So for instance, in this season, I want a little more: And I want a …