The only difference between those who reached their goals and those who didn’t is those who did TOOK ACTION.
No, they are not better. No, they are not lucky. They dreamed. Worked hard. And continue to do the work to reach their goals.
I’m guessing you’re still here because you are interested in meeting your true self. You, that is happy and at peace. You without the insecurities. You, in a world where you put your well-being first. Where you talk kindly and with compassion to yourself. Sounds right?
“If you truly feel that self-esteem and motivation have to happen first before you can make changes in your life, then we’ll probably be sharing walkers at a retirement home as we talk over what might have been.”
~ Shannon Alder
Is this you?
- you’re waiting to feel ready enough to take action
- you got into the habit of waiting for the right time
- you’re postponing what needs to be done
- you’re overthinking the right way to do something
- you talk yourself out of the opportunities that are right for you if they are outside of your comfort zone
If you can resonate with those, this post is for you! I’ve prepared some journal prompts to help you get things done.
Let’s dive in!

What if you don’t need to feel ready? What if you could take action right now?
I catch my clients saying ‘’I would do XYZ if I had the confidence to do it.’’ or ‘’I don’t think I’m ready enough to do XYZ.’’
Then I ask them, ‘’What if you didn’t need confidence? What if you could just decide to do the thing?’’ It blows their mind every single time.
I don’t tell my clients what to do. I simply offer them a different perspective that they didn’t even know existed.
We’re so used to this narrative that says that:
- you need the discipline to develop a new habit
- you need the confidence to initiate a conversation with someone
- you need to feel motivated to go to the gym and do a workout
I call bullsh*t on all of that. All those things are just distracting you from doing the thing you want.
While you’re waiting to feel ready enough, confident enough, or motivated enough to take action, time is running out. Time is not going to wait for you to magically feel ready.
No. You need to take the responsibility to do what you can right now. Otherwise, you’ll repeat the same cycle of needing to do something – procrastinating – feeling guilty – postponing – feeling even worse, and so forth.
Let me know how the question ‘’What if you could take action right now?’’ resonates with you. My clients love it and it shifts their entire perspective from thinking they need some sort of a permission slip to tell me ‘’Oh, I didn’t even think about that!’’ to sending me an email a day later about how it went.
It’s such a simple question but it changes everything.
What uncomfortable emotions are you unwilling to feel right now that keep you from the life you want?
Another breakthrough moment right here.
Think about all the times you avoided having a difficult conversation out of fear of how someone might react.
What about all the times you wanted to start something new (a new hobby or a new business) but you were unwilling to feel like an impostor? So you played it safe and went back to your comfort zone.
What about all the times you wanted to share your opinion but it was different from others so you acted as you agreed? Nodding along and smiling – unwilling to feel misunderstood or even rejected.
So you don’t do what you actually want and you basically cut yourself in half.
You don’t allow yourself to fully be who you are.
You agree with opinions that are not even yours.
You don’t apply for jobs that you actually want.
You’re afraid to sell to your audience because you don’t want to be perceived as sales and like you’re just in it for the money.
Think about it, what are you unwilling to feel? And how is that holding you back from showing up authentically and going after the life you want?
Well… here’s your sign to start taking action. Because NOT doing anything, is also a choice.
- What is holding you back from investing in yourself and taking action?
- Is it your mindset telling you that you are not worthy?
- Is it fear of the unknown?
Because my dear friend, it is NORMAL. When we know that magic can happen, and when we see our dreams coming closer to us, we get scared! Scared because we know it’s possible and our brain can not comprehend it! Plus, your brain plays a trick on you “Do I really deserve to be happy?” “Do I deserve to reach my goals?” Or it’s that shock of, sh*t it is possible so the work begins.

Because let’s face it, this is not for everyone. Not everyone will do the work. Sorry to say this, but the truth is you will never feel ready. But one thing is for sure. You stay exactly where you are now when you do NOT take action. This is your reminder that it is POSSIBLE to THRIVE.
The distance between dreams and reality is called action
How fast you decide to take action in your life will determine how fast the results you want to create will start showing up.
It all starts with a decision – the decision to act.
And you have the power to make that decision at any moment.
Even the smallest of actions taken consistently over time build the momentum in our lives from which we can create extraordinary results.
So I encourage you to decide to act now.
Say yes right now to taking action towards becoming the woman you truly want to be and creating the life you truly desire.
We only have this one life, why delay making it an extraordinary one?
10 journal prompts to help you overcome procrastination and take inspired action:
- Uncover your deepest fears. What are you truly afraid of when it comes to taking action? Is it failure, rejection, or something else? Dig deep and be honest with yourself.
- Explore your limiting beliefs. What negative beliefs are holding you back? Are you telling yourself you’re not good enough, not smart enough, or not capable? Challenge these beliefs and replace them with positive affirmations.
- Identify your procrastination triggers. What situations or emotions tend to trigger your procrastination? Once you know your triggers, you can develop strategies to avoid them or manage them effectively.
- Visualize your success. Imagine yourself achieving your goals. What does it feel like? What does it look like? The more vividly you can visualize your success, the more motivated you will be to take action.
- Break down your goals into small steps. Large, overwhelming goals can be paralyzing. Break them down into smaller, more manageable steps. This will make them seem less daunting and more achievable.
- Create a reward system. Reward yourself for taking action, no matter how small. This will help you stay motivated and keep you on track.
- Find an accountability partner. Share your goals with a friend or family member who will hold you accountable. Having someone to check in with can help you stay focused and motivated.
- Practice self-compassion. Be kind to yourself when you make mistakes or experience setbacks. Everyone procrastinates sometimes. Don’t beat yourself up about it. Instead, learn from your mistakes and move forward.
- Embrace discomfort. Taking action often requires stepping outside of your comfort zone. Embrace the discomfort and see it as an opportunity for growth.
- Believe in yourself. You have the power to overcome procrastination and achieve your goals. Believe in yourself and your ability to succeed.
Remember, overcoming procrastination is a journey, not a destination. Be patient with yourself and celebrate your progress along the way.

9 Ways to take inspired action
Inspired action refers to taking action that is motivated by a deep sense of purpose, passion, and inspiration. It is an action that is not driven by external pressures or obligations, but rather by an inner desire to create, contribute, or achieve something meaningful.
When you are inspired, you feel a sense of joy, excitement, and enthusiasm for what you are doing. You are fully engaged and present in the moment, and you experience a natural flow and ease in your actions. Inspired action often leads to great results because it is fueled by a deep connection to your inner self and your highest potential.
To cultivate inspired action, it can be helpful to take time to reflect on what truly inspires and motivates you. This might involve exploring your passions, values, and goals, and seeking out experiences or activities that align with them. It can also be helpful to stay connected to your intuition and inner guidance, which can provide valuable insights and inspiration for your actions.
When you can tap into your sources of inspiration and motivation, you can cultivate a sense of purpose and direction that can guide you towards taking inspired action in all areas of your life.
READ MORE: The distance between dreams and reality is called action
Taking inspired action involves tapping into your intuition and allowing your inner guidance to lead you towards the right course of action. Here are some steps you can take to cultivate and follow your inspiration:
- Get clear on what you want: The first step is to identify what you truly want. Take some time to reflect on your goals, dreams, and aspirations. Write them down and be as specific as possible. CHECK OUT: What do you want for your life?
- Cultivate a sense of inner peace: You can do this through meditation, yoga, or any other mindfulness practice that helps you quiet your mind and tune in to your inner voice. CHECK OUT: Be the Architect of Calm in Your Life
- Identify what inspires you: What excites you? What are you passionate about? What kind of activities or projects energise you and give you a sense of purpose?
- Set intentions: Once you have identified what inspires you, set clear intentions about what you want to achieve. Be specific and focus on what you want, rather than what you don’t want. CHECK OUT: Journal prompts to find the perfect intention
- Let go of attachment to outcomes: Don’t get too attached to a specific outcome or result. Focus on doing your best and enjoying the process, rather than obsessing over the end result.
- Stay open and receptive: Be open to new opportunities and experiences. Stay receptive to feedback and learning opportunities. Stay curious and explore new ideas and possibilities.
- Connect with your inner guidance: Next, connect with your intuition or inner guidance. This could involve meditation, journaling, or simply taking a few deep breaths and quieting your mind. CHECK OUT: 7 Ways to Connect with Your Inner Guidance
- Take inspired action: Once you are clear on what you want and connect with your inner guidance, take action. This action should feel effortless and aligned with your desires. It may involve taking small steps or making big changes, but it should feel natural and energising. CHECK OUT: Journal Prompts to Stop Procrastinating and Finally Take Action
- Stay open and flexible: Finally, stay open and flexible to the outcomes. Remember that the universe works in mysterious ways and the path to your desired outcome may not be what you expect. Trust the process and stay open to new opportunities and experiences. CHECK OUT: Your life is only as good as your mindset!
By following these steps, you can tap into your inner wisdom and take inspired action towards creating the life you truly desire. Remember, inspired action is about following your heart and intuition. Trust yourself and believe that you have the wisdom and guidance within you to take the right actions towards your goals.

Feel free to sign up to my Friday Morning Love Note HERE! This isn’t just a newsletter - it’s your invitation to pause, reflect, and realign with you. Every week, we’ll journey together to uncover the small, meaningful shifts that will help you design a life that feels uniquely and beautifully yours. Each week, I’ll deliver fresh intentions, uplifting tips, and simple shifts to inspire purposeful, creative living.
[…] READ MORE: Journal Prompts to Stop Procrastinating and Finally Take Inspired Action […]
[…] READ MORE: The distance between dreams and reality is called action | 9 Ways to take inspired action | What is holding you back from investing in yourself and taking action? | Journal Prompts to Stop Procrastinating and Finally Take Action […]