Daily Dose of Inspiration

The Whole-Life Health Lifestyle

Daily Dose of Inspiration

Fad diets and fad health kicks don’t last because they work on the basis that you will have instant willpower and motivation and create instant life-changing habits. Behavioural science has proven that small, enjoyable and consistent actions are what create lasting change. For easy-to-follow and easy-to-maintain ways to a healthier lifestyle, start today with these …

Live a Well-Designed Life Quality of Life

How to do a Monthly Reset to Simplify and Organise Your Life

How to do a Monthly Reset to Simplify and Organise Your Life

I’m a great believer in breaking big tasks down into smaller ones. I also understand the importance of being consistent, keeping up with routines and not being afraid to make small changes to our lives that help simplify things even more. For these reasons, the end of the month OR the beginning of the month …

Daily Dose of Inspiration

You always have time for the things you put first

Daily Dose of Inspiration

We so often run around all day doing things for everyone else and little energy is left for ourselves. We’ve been doing it for so long that it’s a habit, and now others expect and depend on it. And so the cycle continues. Prioritising and setting boundaries are key in life. It’s time to start …