Personality, Character & Self-Discovery Quality of Life

How to Create a Powerful Personal Development Plan

Take something that saved me from the shadows (personal development) and something I’m crazy about (planning), and you’ll get my ultimate holy grail: personal development plans.

A personal development plan is like a map of your ideal life.

It’s perfect if you feel lost, stuck, unmotivated. Or if you want to readjust some things in life or feel ready to boost your growth and live your dream life.

In today’s post, you’ll learn about what this plan is and the step-by-step process to create your own, from start to finish.

When it comes to facing the difficult question, “How do you see yourself in 5, 10, 15, 20 years?” some of us freak out.

And it’s understandable.

We change frequently, and this question makes us look too far into the future, and somehow, we’re supposed to know what will happen in that long period.

It’s scary. I get it. I’ve been there.

I’m here to tell you why it’s essential to ask yourself those questions.

This post will help you stop feeling afraid of the future and live a happier and more fulfilling life thanks to a personal development plan.

Get ready to overcome your fears, follow the steps below, and take control of your life as much as possible.

How to Create a Powerful Personal Development Plan

What is personal development?

Let’s start with the basics.

According to self-development author Brian Tracy:

Personal development is the process of improving oneself through conscious habits and activities. It is the pursuit of personal growth to enhance the quality of life and to achieve one’s dreams and aspirations.

What is a personal development plan?

A personal development plan guides different aspects of your life you don’t want to leave to chance. It’s a compass that allows you to visualise your desired life and how to get there.

Before we move on, keep in mind that personal development plans aren’t in stone. Don’t be afraid to be clear about what you want today, no matter if you feel that could change along the way.

Besides, this isn’t a set-and-forget type of thing.

Your personal development plan is flexible, and includes constant revision so you can review and adapt to different factors whenever necessary.

READ MORE: 6 Ways to make personal growth a Part of everyday life

Why you need a personal development plan

We don’t know what’s going to happen in the future. But having a guide helps you increase your chances of success (no matter what success means to you) and your chances of making the right choices.

Keep it somewhere close once you’re ready so you can remember what you want to accomplish. This will make you feel inspired and continuously motivated, and it will help you get closer to your goals.

Leaving these profound questions unanswered forever might be dangerous.

If you don’t face them, you might never be able to uncover your true desires, real purpose, and potential.

READ MORE: Journaling Prompts when Setting Personal Growth Goals

How to create a personal development plan

Now, the fun part! Follow these steps consciously one by one, and at the end, you’ll feel ready to kick some a**.

1. Analyse your current life

During this first step of the process, you’ll need to assess your life as a whole.

What do you like about it? What do you wish was better?

Grab a pen and paper and go deep into it by answering the following questions:

  • From 1-10, how much do you like your life? If it’s not a perfect 10, why?
  • Do you feel engaged at work?
  • Do you maintain healthy relationships?
  • From 1-10, how ideal is your average day? Why?
  • Do you take care of your health?
  • Is this the life you imagined five years ago you would be living now? Or is it better (or worse) than that?

Ask yourself all the questions that pop into your head, and don’t miss any of them, no matter how difficult or scary the question sounds.

Answer them, especially if they sound complicated and scary to answer.

Reflect on the positive as well as the negative.

This first step could take you several days to complete. That’s ok.

When doing this type of journaling exercise, I generally give myself time to reflect on the questions while doing other things, even if it takes days. This gives me a clearer picture of what I feel and think.

'Getting Your Life Together' Checklist
READ MORE: ‘Getting Your Life Together’ Checklist

2. Explain your vision

What do you want to achieve?

Picture your perfect day and describe it in excruciating detail:

  • What do you wear?
  • What do you eat?
  • Who do you surround yourself with?
  • How do you spend your free time?
  • Do you travel a lot?
  • How does your home look like?
  • Do you live in a big city? Or a rural area?
  • Can you see the ocean from your bedroom window? Or mountains? Or skyscrapers?
  • What does your perfect day look like? Is it completely different from your average day now? How is it different?

Considering what you wrote in the previous step, what would you like to change about your reality?

  • Which areas do you want to improve?
  • What do you want more of? Money, love, health?
  • What do you want less of? Stress, work, inconvenience?
How to Create a Vision for the Life You Want
READ MORE: How to Create a Vision for the Life You Want

3. Understand your motives and goals

After you’ve pictured your dream life, ask yourself:

  • Why do I want this?
  • What makes this life perfect for me?
  • What is the exact reason why I want more of some things and less of others?

Dig deeper and deeper until you’re satisfied with your answers.

KS - How to Find Your Why
READ MORE: How to Find Your ‘Why’

Understanding the core reason behind your desires will motivate you and inspire you.

It allows you to distinguish between your real wishes and “shiny objects” (goals you set for yourself because they’re important for others, but deep down, not for you.)

This step can take several days to complete as well but don’t worry. This is a process, and it takes time.

I’m a huge fan of journaling. Journaling is a form of therapy that helps you uncover your true feelings, wishes, fears, dreams, and more.

READ MORE: Journaling Prompts when Setting Personal Growth Goals | 6 Ways to Plan ahead for the times You’re Feeling Uninspired

4. Set your goals

Once you’ve figured out where you’re standing compared to where you want to be, your dreams and what drives you, it’s time to bring those desires into real life.

Start with the end in mind.

Visualise that dream life again and set 5-10 goals aligned with your values, that is, goals that are meaningful to you, not others, no matter how important they are in your life.

This is about you.

You must write them down on a piece of paper.

For example, instead of jotting vague ideas like “more money,” you need to write down “I want to make £X more each month/year.”

Now, Next, Future Goals
READ MORE: Now, Next, Future Goals

5. Prioritise

I know this can be overwhelming sometimes, but don’t worry, we’ll take it slow.

By now, you should have clarity of what matters the most to you.

Out of those goals you just listed, which ones are the most important and urgent?

Which ones are actionable now? Which ones need time?

Arrange them from most important to least important and reflect on your reasons again.

READ MORE: 8 Prompts to Help You Prioritise

Life priorities and how to make them count
READ MORE: Life priorities and how to make them count

6. Identify your strengths

Every single person in the world has strengths.

For some of us, they may be hard to identify.

We’re so used to them we probably won’t see them at first.

However, it’s vital to identify what you’re good at.

Some goals that seem to be far away might be closer than you’ve realised, thanks to the skills and abilities you already have.

Reflect on your skills and write them down. Then ask yourself if any of those strengths can help you achieve the goals you described earlier.

Take your time, and don’t be shy to admit you’re fantastic.

READ MORE: Journaling Prompts when on the Path to Becoming Better

7. Identify what you need

With your end goal and skills in mind, ask yourself:

  • Which skills do I need to develop?
  • How much time do I need to make this happen?
  • Which people do I need to surround myself with?
  • Which resources do I need?

Brainstorm everything that comes to your mind.

Don’t get stuck in the obvious like more money or more time.

Go deeper.

If you think what you need is more money, what is it for?

What would you buy with that money that’d take you closer to your goal?

READ MORE: 10 Journaling Prompts for Up-levelling Your Life

8. Make a list of resources

Make a list of all the:

  • courses you need to take
  • books you need to read
  • people you need to meet

Categorise them to match them with each corresponding goal.

KS Digital Library

9. Identify good and bad habits

Great habits are the foundation of a great life whilst bad habits will eventually, lead to a not-so-great life.

In this step, you’ll need to identify which good habits takes you closer to your goals and which bad habits keep you from living the life you want.

Good habits: Activities you perform consistently that help you build a better, healthier, happier life.

4 easy ways to build new & good habits
READ MORE: 4 easy ways to build new & good habits

Bad habits: Activities you perform continuously that are detrimental to your health, relationships, success, and overall life.

READ MORE: How to start again

10. Break your goals into tiny steps

Think about your goals and all the steps you need to take to get there.

Then turn those steps into the tiniest steps you can.

For example:

If you want to live by the beach but still don’t have enough money or a job that can pay for that dream house, your goal should be to find a better job. And if you want a better job but still aren’t qualified for it, then your small goals for this should be things like:

  • learning new skills
  • improving skills you already have
  • meeting people in the industry you want to work in etc.

Breaking goals into small steps is vital to make that goal tangible, achievable, and possible for you.

Once you realise that significant changes or big improvements consist of tiny, constant steps you’ll see they’re not impossible.

Small Steps to Big Change
READ MORE: Small Steps to Big Change

11. Set steps and organise them

These “small goals” are just steps you need to take to get where you want to be.

Once you’ve identified them, arrange them as a list of steps. Write them down.

Use your best judgment to place one before or after the other, but keep in mind, this list can be flexible, and you can realise later that you need them to change places.

Live a Well-Designed Life Podcast
LISTEN TO: Creating Life Systems

12. Set a date

This is the part where you face reality: you’re doing this.

Take that list of steps you wrote earlier and set a date for the first step.

And keep this in mind: Life is short.

Five years from now, you’ll wish you’d started sooner. Trust me.

So… When are you going to start?

How to make the most of Google Calendar
READ MORE: How to make the most of Google Calendar

13. Set a daily and weekly action plan

If you want to see progress and start living your dream life soon, you better develop a system that allows you to push forward consistently.

For example, one of the first steps is to purchase and take a course. First, you’ll need to commit to making time dailt, to watch the course. Then, establish the exact time of day when you’re going to watch a lesson.

READ MORE: How to Plan Your Day | 7 Tips to Plan Your Week | The 3 Steps to a 5 Year Plan

14. Take action

This one’s a no-brainer. All that planning and thinking and reflecting… for nothing?

If you followed my steps and took all the necessary notes, you’ll have your personal development plan on your hands already.

Stick to it.

Keep the promise you made to yourself.

READ MORE: The distance between dreams and reality is called action | 9 Ways to take inspired action | What is holding you back from investing in yourself and taking action? | Journal Prompts to Stop Procrastinating and Finally Take Action

15. Review and adapt

This is in no way a set-and-forget type of thing.

It’s not set in stone either. Change is the only constant.

So, you’ll need to check it regularly, reflect on it and adapt it whenever necessary.

Even though some people recommend doing quarterly revisions of your plan, I prefer to check my list of goals daily or at least weekly. Taking a look at the rest of the things on the plan weekly or monthly is also very helpful. Doing this will help you stay on track and keep you focused, with your eyes on the prize.

Plus, you’ll realise how much you’ve grown, and that’ll make you feel super proud and more self-confident.

READ MORE: 5 Ways to Keep Yourself Accountable

The Bottom Line

A personal development plan is a fantastic tool to become who you want to be.

One of the things I love the most about life is that there’s always room for growth.

There are always things to improve and new things to learn.

As a life-long learner, this gives me so much life.

With this in mind, schedule a self-care day to start creating your very own personal development plan and make sure you keep it somewhere you can see it every day.

In one year, you’ll be able to look at it and feel so proud of all the things you’ve accomplished, and you’ll be ready to keep conquering life.

Feel free to sign up to my Sunday Morning Letters HERE! It's like having a cup of tea and a chat with me on Sunday mornings - a strong dose of inspiration and encouragement to help you Curate & Live a Well-Designed Life; Consciously, Intentionally & Wholeheartedly. I want you to live your life fully - each day, less on autopilot and more on purpose - living a life of meaning ♡


I am Kiran and I'm a Lifestyle Coach, Podcast Host, Vegetarian Nutritionist, NLP Master Practitioner, Author and an Interior Designer.

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