Live a Well-Designed Life Personality, Character & Self-Discovery

How to Find Your ‘Why’

One of the common reasons our lives get so complex and crazy is because there’s a big gap between the life we dream of living, and the one we’re actually living. Get clear on what you want from life (your ‘Why’), and work toward it.  Anything that’s not on your path can be eliminated or reduced because it’s not important.


Your Why is your source of intrinsic motivation. If you know your Why, you can drum up that little bit of courage and motivation that you need to get started. From there, it’s momentum, not motivation. Your Why is a list of reasons that resonate with you as to why you’re doing something.

So let me ask you;

“What is Your Why?”

This is a legitimate question to ask yourself, and in this video, I will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to find your “why” in life. I hope that these tips can clarify your purpose, and by doing so benefit your life.

Keep asking yourself ‘WHY’ until you get to the core of your ‘Why’. For example, I want to be healthy. Why? So I can lose weight. Why? So I can look good. Why? So I can be confident. Why? I was never pretty or confident as a child and a teenager, this led to me buying designer make-up and clothes I couldn’t afford to get validated by others.

“Nothing gives a person inner wholeness and peace like a distinct understanding of where they are going.” – Thomas Oppong

Visualise the life you want to lead and work on making it a reality, one day at a time.  You don’t have to work toward achieving everything that you want at once; just establish what your key goal is today, and work on that.  Once you’ve got that one under control, start working on the next one.

As you achieve your small goals, you’ll gain a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.  Life will become more joyful and easier to deal with, day in and day out.

Finding Your Purpose in Life

RELATED: Finding Your Purpose in Life

My ‘WHY’ behind what I do

  • I am here to inspire women to live a fun and joyful life without spending a lot of money
  • I am here to encourage women to make little changes every day towards their ideal life, no matter how silly other people might think those changes are
  • I am here to share my insecurities and challenges so that women would know they were not the only ones to feel like that
  • I am here to empty out all the ideas in my head so that others could enjoy them too
  • I am here to say, ‘It’s okay to want to live a simple, small and quiet life; it’s your life, you get to choose’


I am Kiran and I'm a Lifestyle Coach, Podcast Host, Vegetarian Nutritionist, NLP Master Practitioner, Author and an Interior Designer.

(3) Comments

  1. […] the hustle creeps in, try to ground yourself again by remembering why you want the kind of season you want. For some that may be to feel closer to Christ; for others, […]

  2. […] journey is tuning into my true desires. Goals are great to keep you on track but once you get to understand why you want to achieve them you’ll be able to tune into the feeling of it much […]

  3. […] Spend some quiet time and reconnect with your ‘Why’? […]

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