If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed with everything on your to-do list, this one’s for you. These powerful questions will help you clarify what needs your attention first, what can wait, and what can be crossed off altogether.
- Does this task align with my values? Who am I willing and unwilling to disappoint?
- How much will this matter in 6 months? A year? 5 years?
- Which task(s) are most essential for my current goals?
- How much (and what kind of) effort will this take? Am I able to offer that kind of effort at this moment?
- What would happen if this didn’t get done? What would be the fallout? What steps could I take to reverse the fallout if needed?
- By saying yes to this task, what would I be saying no to by default?
- Fill in the blanks: “I ‘should’ do X because. I ‘shouldn’t’ do X because.” Which one rings truer with you?⠀⠀⠀
- How do you decide what to prioritise?

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