Showing 415 Result(s)
Daily Dose of Inspiration
Daily Dose of Inspiration

Journal Prompts to Stop Procrastinating and Finally Take Action

“If you truly feel that self-esteem and motivation have to happen first before you can make changes in your life, then we’ll probably be sharing walkers at a retirement home as we talk over what might have been.” ~ Shannon Alder Is this you? you’re waiting to feel ready enough in order to take action …

Daily Dose of Inspiration
Daily Dose of Inspiration

Whatever matters most to you – decide to do it daily

If you aim for most days, you’ll only do it sometimes. ⁠⁠Do it daily, and the discipline is on – but the pressure is off. ⁠⁠You’ve already decided. It’s getting done. ⁠⁠Now you have to go through the motions. ⁠⁠Instead of questioning: Is today one of the days? Does today count? Do weekends count? Ah, …

Daily Dose of Inspiration
Daily Dose of Inspiration

Done is better than Perfect

Aiming to be perfect is the fastest way to fail.⁠⁠I talk with people all the time whose number one reason for not taking action is that they couldn’t keep up with the pressure of perfection.⁠⁠So they just stopped taking action entirely.⁠⁠And their project/passion/business fizzled out.⁠⁠Perfection paralyses you from taking ANY action at all.⁠⁠So what if …