Live a Well-Designed Life Quality of Life

90 days to 2025

“You have 90 days left of this year. Be selective of the people, projects, experiences and situations that you give your energy. Not everything or everyone is worth your time.”

Can you believe 2025 is about 90 days away?! In just three short months, we’ll be welcoming and ringing in another year. The most important intentions I set for 2024 were:

Up until April, I showed up for my intentions and made them happen (most of the time), to do this, I had to put myself & my needs first:

  • slow mornings
  • daily walks
  • nourishing home-cooked meals
  • quality time with my loved ones
  • travels & experiences
  • working on my personal growth
  • curating our Home
  • reading books & listening to podcasts
  • continuously working on simplifying my overall life by decluttering & organising my physical and digital spaces, simplifying my businesses and systems and so much more.

LISTEN TO: What it Means to Show Up for Yourself & How to Do it

But, come the month of May – my life changed forever. I lost my youngest brother, he was only 34 and had his entire life ahead of him. Since then, and up until now – I’ve been all over the place; emotionally, physically, mentally & spiritually. The grieving process has been tremendously hard and has taken a toll on me.

I came across the below on Facebook which perfectly describes what I am going through.

I want to smile again, without feeling guilty. I want to miss you, without coming undone. I want to celebrate your life, without my heart breaking. If there’s a good side of grief, I’ve yet to reach it. It’s not getting any easier. Time isn’t helping. Some days I feel as if the pain deepens. The roads ahead seem longer without you walking them beside me. It’s like I’m resistant to joy. Pushing back against my own happiness. I’m afraid that healing means forgetting, and I’m not ready to leave. Let me sit here for a little while longer. There are things I needed to tell you that I never got the chance to. Things you deserved to hear… I’m sorry. I’m sorry for not doing more. If it was possible to bear your pain, I would have. Even when distant, my world was better because you were in it. I was always proud of you. My love for you is constant, unconditional, eternal. There are pieces of you I’m discovering in me. Little gifts you unknowingly left behind. Even your absence is filled with moments worth revisiting. Maybe instead of learning how to live without you, I’ll just bring the best of you with me. Maybe we’re not meant to move on, we’re meant to move with.

Some days I feel somewhat normal, some days I am on an emotional rollercoaster – no day is the same. Despite the ups and downs, I have tried to continue living intentionally and do things that bring me normality.

As we’re now only 3 months away from the New Year, it’s time to plan how I (and you) want the rest of the year to feel and be. I do this by journaling, below I share some questions I ask myself during this time of the year:

  • How has your year been so far?
  • What worked/didn’t work?
  • What do you want to achieve in the next 3 months?
  • How do you want to feel as we embark on another year of life?
  • What do you want your life to look like?
  • How do you want to feel? How will this year be different?

“3 months from now, you can be in an entirely different space; mentally, spiritually, financially. Keep working and believing in yourself.”

For the rest of 2024, I am focusing on #MeMyself&I – doing a much-needed reset. This is the process I use when hitting the reset button:

  • Set Goals: Take some time to reflect on what you want to achieve in this new chapter and set clear goals. Whether personal or professional, having goals will give you direction and motivation.
  • Embrace Change: Understand that change is a natural part of life and embrace it with an open mind. Be willing to step out of your comfort zone and try new things.
  • Create a Routine: Establishing a routine can help you stay organised and feel more in control during this transition. It can provide stability and help you adjust to your new circumstances.
  • Seek Support: Surround yourself with supportive and positive people who can help you navigate this new chapter. Reach out to friends, and family, or even join local community groups to expand your network.
  • Learn Something New: Take this opportunity to learn a new skill or hobby that interests you. It can be a great way to grow as an individual and open up new possibilities.
  • Take Care of Yourself: Prioritise self-care by eating well, exercising and getting enough rest. Taking care of your physical and mental well-being will give you the energy and resilience to tackle challenges.
  • Embrace Uncertainty: Understand that not everything will go according to plan and that’s okay. Embrace uncertainty and be adaptable when facing unexpected situations. It can lead to new and exciting opportunities.
  • Practice Gratitude: Take time each day to reflect on things you are grateful for. Cultivating a positive mindset and appreciating the little things can help you maintain a positive outlook during this new chapter.
  • Explore Your Surroundings: If you’ve moved to a new place, take the time to explore your surroundings. Go on walks, try new restaurants and immerse yourself in the local culture. It can help you feel more at home and belonging.
  • Stay Curious: Approach this new chapter with curiosity and a willingness to learn. Stay open-minded and explore new possibilities. Life is full of surprises and you never know what amazing opportunities may come your way.

My main priority over the next 3 months; embarking on a transformative physical glow-up journey. Below I share some ideas if you want to join me:

Start With Your Doctor:

The first thing you need to do when embarking on a physical glow-up is check what’s going on inside your body. Going to your doctor getting a blood test done and checking your hormone levels will help with figuring out what you need to be supplementing or treating.

Many women are going through peri-menopause (myself included) and suffer from weight gain, skin issues, brain fog, and lack of energy, and many of these are linked to what is going on inside of the body. Hence it is vital to check everything to start healing.

Skincare Mastery:

To the above point, if your skin needs some TLC, it is time to delve into the world of skincare. Craft a personalised routine that caters to your unique skin type and concerns.

Incorporate a gentle cleanser, hydrating moisturiser, and a reliable sunscreen. Don’t forget to add targeted treatments like serums or masks to address specific needs, such as hydration, brightening, or anti-ageing. A visit to your dermatologist will help if you don’t know where to start. If you’re based in the UK, Boots offers free skincare consultation with the No.7 skincare brand.

Spring Skincare The ultimate guide to keep you looking refreshed
READ MORE: Spring Skincare: The ultimate guide to keep you looking refreshed

Luscious Locks with Haircare:

Elevate your hair game with a revamped haircare routine. Choose high-quality products tailored to your hair type – whether it’s straight, curly, or somewhere in between. I’ve invested in Natural Hair Oil by HFS Oils which is a blend of five oils with rosemary seeds for optimal hair care.

Regular trims prevent split ends, and experimenting with nourishing hair masks adds that extra touch of luxury. Embrace your natural texture or have fun exploring new hairstyles that complement your features.

Revamp Your Style:

Your wardrobe is your fashion canvas, so let’s create a masterpiece. Begin by decluttering and organising your closet. Invest in timeless pieces that showcase your personality while flattering your body shape. Consider mixing in trendier items for a touch of modern flair. Accessories can be your secret weapon; experiment with jewellery, scarves, and hats to elevate your style game.

READ MORE: 5 Ways to Simplify Your Wardrobe

Upgrade Your Wardrobe with Confidence:

Your wardrobe should be a reflection of your best self. Invest in quality pieces that make you feel confident and comfortable. Consider consulting with a stylist for personalised advice on colours, styles, and trends that suit your unique personality and enhance your overall glow.

If you’re struggling with figuring out what style you like best, go on Pinterest and save as many outfits you like as you can. Then, look for the common clothing items those outfits incorporate. Maybe you’re drawn to dresses or think flared pants are the coolest thing ever, or you quite like the sweatpants with baseball cap look. Add pieces to your wardrobe accordingly.

Nail Care Elegance:

Don’t neglect the tiny details – your nails can be a powerful accessory. Regular manicures, proper shaping, and a chic colour palette can transform your hands into a statement of elegance. Experiment with different nail art styles, from classic to bold, to find what resonates with your style. I’ve heard so much of Sassy Saints and decided to give them a go (will keep you posted when I have tried them out.)

Even if you prefer your nails to be natural and polish-free, make sure you are getting, or giving yourself, regular manicures and oiling your cuticles for maximum strength.

Strength Training for Toned Physique:

Sculpt and tone your body with a targeted strength training routine. Incorporate compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses to engage multiple muscle groups. A well-toned physique not only enhances your appearance but also contributes to improved posture and confidence.

If you don’t have access to the gym, YouTube has plenty of videos that incorporate body-weight strength training. There are no excuses.

Cardio for Overall Fitness:

Boost your physical glow by incorporating cardiovascular exercises into your routine. Whether it’s brisk walking (my favourite), jogging, or Zumba, these activities elevate your heart rate, improve circulation, and contribute to a healthy, vibrant glow.

Functional Fitness for Everyday Agility:

Infuse functional exercises into your routine to enhance everyday movements. Activities like yoga or pilates improve flexibility, balance, and core strength, resulting in a poised and agile physical presence. I did Yoga & Pilates every day for 6 months last year (need to get back to it!) and my body changed drastically.

Nourish Your Body for Radiant Skin:

Transform your skin from within by adopting a balanced and nutritious diet. Prioritise foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to support skin health. Consider incorporating collagen-boosting foods like fish, nuts, and leafy greens for that extra radiance.

Another important point when it comes to nutrition is prioritising protein, healthy fats, and fruits and vegetables. Protein and fats will keep you full and satisfied while fruits and vegetables provide you with all the necessary vitamins and minerals your body needs.

Hydration for Skin and Hair:

Water is your beauty elixir. Stay well-hydrated to maintain skin elasticity and promote glossy, healthy hair. If you’re someone who doesn’t like the taste of water, you have two options. Either get over it or flavour your water with fruit. The bottom line is, you need to be drinking water.

13 Detox Juices To Drink Yourself Clean
READ MORE: 13 Detox Juices To Drink Yourself Clean

Quality Sleep for Beauty Rest:

Prioritise a good night’s sleep as it plays a vital role in physical rejuvenation. Invest in a soothing bedtime routine, ensure a comfortable sleep environment, and aim for 7-9 hours of uninterrupted rest each night to wake up with a refreshed and vibrant glow.

READ MORE: Tips for getting a good night’s sleep

Stretching for Flexibility:

Enhance your physical appearance by incorporating regular stretching exercises. Focus on dynamic stretches before workouts and static stretches during cooldowns to improve flexibility, prevent injuries, and contribute to an overall elegant presence.

Oral Health:

One of the most important parts of a glow-up is working towards a nice smile. Everybody should be doing the basics which are: brushing twice a day, flossing, and using mouthwash.

Extra steps you can take are using whitening strips regularly, visiting a dentist twice a year, and limiting drinking many teeth-staining drinks.

Solid Hygiene:

Let’s keep it real – personal hygiene is a game-changer in your glow-up journey. Nothing beats the confidence boost that comes from feeling clean and fresh. Embrace your daily showers, show your body some love, and make grooming a personal pampering session.

Make sure you are washing everywhere – your neck, behind your ears, the backs of your knees, your belly button, and under your nails. Do not neglect these places and make sure you are washing them regularly.

Celebrate Your Progress:

Acknowledge and celebrate your physical milestones along the way. Whether it’s achieving a fitness goal, mastering a new hairstyle, or perfecting your skincare routine, recognising and celebrating these achievements fuels the motivation for continued success.

The Ultimate Self-Care Guide: Simple Practices for a More Confident You
READ MORE: The Ultimate Self-Care Guide: Simple Practices for a More Confident You


Have you ever felt like you needed a reset button for your life? Over the next 12 weeks, you can take on the challenge of transforming your everyday habits, focusing on everything from physical health to personal development. Embark on this journey to discover what it takes to make meaningful changes and truly enrich your life.


Physical Health

  • Embark on a balanced workout routine (a mix of cardio, strength, and flexibility)
  • Adopt a nutrient-rich diet plan and hydrate well

Mental Well-being

  • Begin daily meditation and journaling
  • Dedicate 30 minutes a day to a hobby or interest

Personal Development

  • Read one book related to personal growth or a skill
  • Establish a morning and nighttime routine

Interpersonal Growth

  • Reach out to someone you haven’t spoken to in a while
  • Join a club or group that aligns with your interests


Physical I health

  • Introduce new workout challenges or classes
  • Experiment with meal prepping and try new healthy recipes

Mental Well-being

  • Practice gratitude by listing three things you’re grateful for daily
  • Start weekly self-reflection sessions to assess your progress

Personal Development

  • Attend a workshop or an online course for a new skill
  • Declutter your living space for a fresh environment

Interpersonal Growth

  • Host a small gathering or dinner party to strengthen your friendships
  • Volunteer for a cause you care about to meet like-minded individuals


Physical Health

  • Set a personal fitness goal (e.g., run a 5K, master a yoga pose)
  • Prioritise sleep quality and aim for 7-9 hours per night

Mental Well-being

  • Implement positive affirmations into your daily routine
  • Plan a solo day out to connect with yourself

Personal Development

  • Create a vision board for your future goals and aspirations

Interpersonal Growth

  • Initiate a support or accountability group within your network for shared goals

Feel free to sign up to my Sunday Morning Letters HERE! It's like having a cup of tea and a chat with me on Sunday mornings - a strong dose of inspiration and encouragement to help you Curate & Live a Well-Designed Life; Consciously, Intentionally & Wholeheartedly. I want you to live your life fully - each day, less on autopilot and more on purpose - living a life of meaning ♡


I am Kiran and I'm a Lifestyle Coach, Podcast Host, Vegetarian Nutritionist, NLP Master Practitioner, Author and an Interior Designer.

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