Daily Dose of Inspiration

There’s Nothing Wrong With You For:

  • Not getting it right the first time
  • Having moments when you can’t snap out of it
  • Wondering why certain things happened
  • Not “getting over it” quickly
  • Wanting people to like you
  • Unlearning things that aren’t helpful
  • Talking about family issues (this is not betrayal)
  • Not always looking on the bright-side
  • Not finishing everything that you start
  • Sweating the small stuff (no one can determine the magnitude of your problems)

Accept that we all have different stories. ⁣Therefore, everyone’s process looks different. ⁣⁣⁠⁠It’s okay if things look different for you. ⁣⁣⁣⁠

Feel free to sign up to my Sunday Morning Letters HERE! It's like having a cup of tea and a chat with me on Sunday mornings - a strong dose of inspiration and encouragement to help you Curate & Live a Well-Designed Life; Consciously, Intentionally & Wholeheartedly. I want you to live your life fully - each day, less on autopilot and more on purpose - living a life of meaning ♡


I am Kiran and I'm a Lifestyle Coach, Podcast Host, Vegetarian Nutritionist, NLP Master Practitioner, Author and an Interior Designer.

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