This checklist is designed to be used for the days leading up to and following new years day. Feel free to sign up to my Sunday Morning Letters
30-Day Gratitude Challenge
I recommend a simple journaling process for this challenge. You can do this practice in so many ways: Just remember, it’s the act of gratitude that is most important, not how fancy your journal is. The below journal prompts will help you get your gratitude practice started. Then, you can make gratitude a habit to …
30-Days of Minimalism Challenge
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30-Day Health & Well-being Challenge
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30-Day Happiness Challenge
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30-Day Finance Challenge
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What do you want a little more of in this season of your life? What do you want a little less of?
This is a simple exercise I use regularly to help me notice where I’ve taken on too much or have a leaky boundary. And also to name the truth of what I want and need and make space for it. So for instance, in this season, I want a little more: And I want a …
What do you need to give yourself permission for?
Journal Prompts: Feel free to sign up to my Sunday Morning Letters
Energy Givers
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Life Cleansing Tips
Feel free to sign up to my Sunday Morning Letters