This checklist is designed to be used for the days leading up to and following new years day.
- De-clutter your home. Start with the areas that frustrate you the most. CHECK OUT: 4 powerful questions to ask while decluttering
- Make a budget for the new month. Live off of LESS than you make. CHECK OUT: 10 Practical Budgeting Tips
- Clear out your inboxes. old texts, notifications and voicemails. Unsubscribe from irrelevant emails.
- Delete your photo gallery on your phone. Back up photos or order prints of your favourites.
- Make yourself a quiet, distraction-free area. Read, meditate, draw, or simply just sit there once a day. CHECK OUT: Create a Small Calm Space to which You can Escape
- Reconnect with your friends and family. Text them that you’re thinking of them. video chat. have lunch. CHECK OUT: Disconnect to Reconnect
- Have a health check-up. Start taking a daily multivitamin.
- Wake up early and go to bed early. CHECK OUT: The Importance of a Morning Ritual & The importance of an evening ritual
- Set intentions for the new year. Choose your 2023 words to live by (Ex: wholesome, growth, connect) CHECK OUT: How to Organise your Life in 2023
- Put your phone away for at least an hour every day.
- Buy fresh flowers or a plant for your home.
- Envision your best self and do one thing today that will get you closer. CHECK OUT: How to Embody Your Higher Self
- Listen when someone is talking. Value and honour them.
- Move furniture around, redecorate, and change photos in frames. I personally redecorate my Home every season. I take down the Christmas tree & decorations on the 27th of December (today) and swap out cushion covers for dusty pink, change out the prints, swap out candles etc. CHECK OUT: A guide to creating a cosy home
- Forgive and let go. Practice grace. CHECK OUT: 10 Ways to Help You Let Go of Things, Letting go of what no longer serves me, Let’s talk about letting go & Releasing and letting go

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