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The importance of an evening ritual

At the end of the day, as the sweet, dark stillness of night beckons us to lay down our bones and rest, we find ourselves at a clear transition point: Behind us lies the previous day and all that has come before; ahead of us, dawn heralds the unfolding of all that is yet to be. While many of us have morning rituals that connect us with our centre and help us to set intentions, we may want to explore the magic and power of evening rituals as well. It holds for us a beautiful chance for self-appreciation and blessing. Before you go to bed each night, you can send gratitude, compassion, and healing to the being you have been up until this moment.

Bedtime can be a perfect time for a nighttime ritual of sending love to the world and finding gratitude for your day.

So whether you’ve had a long day, an awesome day, overall good or bad day it’s important to unwind, calm down and let your body know it’s time to sleep.

“It’s just as important to end your day right as it is to start it right.”

You don’t just go to sleep, you have to plan for sleep. Calming bedtime routines are essential for getting a good night’s sleep. The bedtime routine is more important than you think for two reasons:

  1. You can prevent many minor sleep and behaviour problems with a schedule of relaxing activities near bedtime.
  2. Keeping a consistent bedtime routine, even on weekends, keeps your internal clock in check and helps you fall asleep and wake up more easily.

Developing a regular sleep routine for yourself and your kids might be a lot of work, but it is 100 times worth the effort! Here’s how:

The Ultimate Evening Ritual

1. Eat Light

When you eat foods that are greasy or otherwise heavy on your stomach it will most likely interfere with your sleep. So either eat very early or keep it light and have a more solid lunch.

The very basics of self-care
READ MORE: The very basics of self-care

2. Disconnect

And by that, we mean your phone, iPad or other tablets. You should preferably not use your phone as an alarm by the side of your bed either. All these electrical appliances can burden your system especially when you’re sensitive to specific energies already. For the same reason, it is best not to allow a television in your bedroom.

READ MORE: Disconnect to Reconnect

3. Meditate

Meditation can be very beneficial for the body and mind in many ways: in terms of focus, relaxation and releasing stress. So it is no surprise then that meditation will also help you on your path to a good night’s sleep.

The importance of an evening routine

4. Walk

Take a stroll after dinner. Soak up some fresh air and walking will support digestion.

READ MORE: The Importance of Walking Meditation

5. Slow Down

If you can, try to minimise exciting or mentally intensive activities after 8:30 P.M. It will be much harder to wind down your brain when it has been in full-throttle mode before you go to bed.

How to Practice Slow Living
READ MORE: How to Practice Slow Living

6. Take a Bath

About an hour before bedtime, run a hot bath with Magic Organic Apothecary’s Fortifying Bath Oil. Because nothing helps you to unwind better than the soothing warmth of a silent and relaxing bath.

The importance of an evening routine

7. Fragrance Your Room

Diffuse relaxing aromas in your bedroom with a spray or fragrance sticks. I love Rewined’s candles :)The scent and quality of this candle are unmatched. My entire home has a lovely hint of deliciousness when I burn the candle. It burns even and slowly you get a ton of burn time from these candles

8. Mini Massage

As your bath is running, perform a slow self-administered massage and let yourself submerge in the warm tub for ten to fifteen minutes.

9. Play Soothing Music

While soaking, have the lights low or burn a candle, and listen to soothing music.

10. Time for Tea

After your bath, drink a cup of warm relaxing herbal tea.

11. Breathe & Focus

Do not watch television or do any last-minute work once you’re in your bed. This interferes with your body-mind connection of shutting down for the night. Close your eyes and feel your body. Wherever you notice tension, consciously relax that area. Then focus on your slow easy breathing until you fall asleep.

12. Skincare

This is a must! Remove your make-up, wash and moisturise your face

5 ways to create your own Skincare Ritual
READ MORE: Self-Care Rituals

10 Things To Do Every Night Before Bed

Take Care Of Your Body

  • Brush your teeth after dinner
  • Floss
  • Wash or have a warm bath
  • Use lotion on your body
  • Carry out your skin routine

Stop screen time 2 hours before bed

This includes mobile phones, tablets, computer screens and TV. Limit and monitor violent content at any time of day. This can affect sleep regardless of the time and length of use.

Reflect and visualise

Chunk out time to unplug, highlight what went right in your day, what went wrong, what was achieved, what didn’t go as planned and try to resolve it.

Write in your journal

Write down as many things you are grateful for, accomplishments no matter how small write, wind down and clear your mind from the sequence of activities.

Express gratitude

Gratitude turns what we have into enough, it is a powerful catalyst for happiness; it is not only the greatest of virtues but the parent of all others. We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude; the ability of sanity, having loved ones around, the ability to eat, and the good and grace that the universe puts in our way.

Gratitude will shift you to a higher frequency and you will attract much better things. Your gratitude can be in punchy lines or lengthy paragraphs depending on which is suitable for you and how your day rolls out to be.

Read before you sleep

What you consume before bed is very important it plays a long way in your subconscious that is why sometimes after watching your favourite movie you start having dreams of the characters and sometimes of yourself or after a conversation you begin to dream about it. Feed your mind with positivity.


The calmness of the mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom when meditation is mastered. Learn to slow down, get lost intentionally, stretching spiritually; it helps relieve stress and improves the quality of your sleep. By making meditation a routine, a consciousness develops and gradually you will reach a point of highest consciousness where your calm mind becomes the ultimate weapon against your challenges.

Craft out your to-do list

Envision your day and plan toward it by reviewing your calendar and outlining your important appointments. Identify your priorities for the day and bring them first.

Set the scene

  • Dim the light
  • Wear comfortable clothes
  • Wrap your hair up
  • Take off your make-up
  • And Dream big while you sleep

REMEMBER: You may not be able to stick to these routines immediately or adopt these into your night routine but do not relent after one try or the other, keep pushing on until you get there. If you believe you can change – if you make it a habit – the change becomes real.

What does your ideal evening routine feel and look like? How can you make the most of this time and what helps you to

How to Create Mindful Daily Rituals That Actually Stick
READ MORE: How to Create Mindful Daily Rituals That Actually Stick

10 Journaling Prompts for Creating an Evening Ritual

  1. Reflect on Your Current Evenings: How do you typically spend your evenings? What activities bring you joy or relaxation? What activities leave you feeling stressed or unfulfilled?
  2. Identify Your Evening Goals: What do you want to achieve or experience during your evenings? Do you want to relax, learn something new, connect with loved ones, or something else?
  3. Choose Your Ritual Elements: What activities would you like to incorporate into your evening ritual? Consider things like meditation, reading, journaling, taking a bath, or spending time in nature.
  4. Create a Routine: Establish a consistent routine for your evening ritual. Decide when you will start and end your ritual, and what specific activities you will include.
  5. Mindset Shift: What mindset shifts can help you approach your evening ritual with a calm and relaxed attitude?
  6. Digital Detox: How does technology affect your evening relaxation? Consider limiting screen time or creating a digital-free zone in your home.
  7. Self-Care Integration: How can you incorporate self-care activities into your evening ritual? Consider things like skincare, stretching, or practising gratitude.
  8. Create a Relaxing Environment: What kind of environment helps you relax and unwind? Consider factors like lighting, temperature, and noise level.
  9. Involve Loved Ones: How can you involve your loved ones in your evening ritual? Consider family dinners, game nights, or shared activities.
  10. Flexibility and Adaptation: How can you build flexibility into your evening ritual to accommodate unexpected events or changes?
Everyday Rituals to Enhance Well-being
READ MORE: Everyday Rituals to Enhance Well-being

Feel free to sign up to my Sunday Morning Letters HERE! It's like having a cup of tea and a chat with me on Sunday mornings - a strong dose of inspiration and encouragement to help you Curate & Live a Well-Designed Life; Consciously, Intentionally & Wholeheartedly. I want you to live your life fully - each day, less on autopilot and more on purpose - living a life of meaning ♡


I am Kiran and I'm a Lifestyle Coach, Podcast Host, Vegetarian Nutritionist, NLP Master Practitioner, Author and an Interior Designer.

(9) Comments

  1. […] but you can go creative with it. Maybe it’s just the 10 minutes you spend for your morning or evening routine or making a special cup of tea that you can enjoy in silence, being in the moment. You can even […]

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  9. […] to stick to, which is why I love the power of a good routine. For example, you could create a bedtime routine or a morning routine that involves healthy habits like exercise, meditation, and relaxation. […]

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