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Daily Dose of Inspiration
Daily Dose of Inspiration

How often have you said Yes, when you really wanted to say No?

How many times have you de-prioritised your own self-care? How often have you promised yourself a good night’s sleep and then scrolled on your phone for hours instead? Learn to say no! Probably the hardest on the list, saying no requires respecting yourself and your commitments. It can be hard to do because so often …

Live a Well-Designed Life Quality of Life

11 Easy Ways to Uncomplicate Your Life

Let’s start off here with a simple question: What does your perfect day look and feel like? Visualising your perfect day is important not necessarily because it will be a recurring reality, but because it’s crucial to understand what a simple life – or an “uncomplicated life” – really means to you. And it’s different …

What's Your Vision for Spring Season
Live a Well-Designed Life Personality, Character & Self-Discovery Quality of Life

What’s Your Vision for Spring Season?

I’ve never used to have a super detailed plan for my life in my younger days, I was brought up with the vision that once I finish my education, I’ll get married, settle down, raise a family and be a home-maker alongside working in a full-time job. Even when I got divorced, I still didn’t …