We each have this one amazing, but brief chance to build lives we love. If we don’t deeply believe we deserve happiness, that we deserve abundance, and to live unrestricted, we end up living lives of mediocrity. Happiness runs deeper than money. How we spend our time, where we spend our time, and who we …
How to create a Journaling Practice
When you think of mindfulness, what do you picture? Is it a luxurious savasana at the end of a yoga class? An afternoon spent perched on a meditation cushion, listening to relaxing music and focusing on your breath? A moment, amid a crisis, spent centring yourself and watching your thoughts float by like clouds? Yes. …
How to Perfect Your Cleaning and Organising Skills
Taking care of a whole household is a task we never underestimated. We know how time-consuming and sometimes very tiring cleaning procedures may be, but there are simple ways to improve your techniques and the results of your cleaning activities. The key to having a perfectly cleaned and good-looking home is no other but organisation. …
It’s almost Friday
The pressure of having to keep everything together (by throwing and catching all those balls) can often just feel too much. If this sounds like you, it’s time to reassess and get your life into perspective – put your health and well-being first! It’s the day before Friday – try the following tips to help …
Daily Meaningful Mindfulness Routine
Since learning about Mindfulness, passing my Mindfulness Diploma a few years ago and practising Mindfulness in my daily life, my life has shifted tremendously. Living in mindfulness simply means living in the moment – in the now! Mindfulness helps you to calm the compulsive chatter in your head to get some rest from your problems, your worries and your …
9 Ways to Find More Hours in Your Day
We all wish we had just a bit more time. Just think what you could do with an extra hour or two each day: you could finally stick to an exercise routine, or spring-clean the house, or write your novel, or learn the guitar, or get a new qualification. I can’t magically make all your days …
3 ways to find time for Self-Care
Self-care, aka taking a little “me” time, is one of those things you know you’re supposed to do. But when it comes to actually getting around to it, some people are more successful than others. Guilt is the biggest reason why women don’t practise self-care, so today, I’ll be talking about finding the time to …
How would you spend your Ideal Day?
We are nearly halfway through the year, which makes it the perfect time to talk about routines, planning and creating a vision for your ideal day. I am a big believer in ‘Design the Lifestyle YOU Desire‘ and ‘Living a Well-Designed Life‘ and it all starts with planning and visualising WHAT your ideal day would …
Simplify Your Life with these 3 tips
If you’re wanting to create more balance in your life, forming healthy habits and routines are definitely the way to go. That’s why I’ve curated a list of 3 basic yet effective routines you can start practising at home today. Become a Morning Person I can already hear you groaning and hitting the snooze button …