Live a Well-Designed Life Personality, Character & Self-Discovery Quality of Life

How to Figure Out the Next Phase of Your Life

Create a Personal Mission Statement

If done well, a personal mission statement will provide you with clear boundaries for all of your goals, plans and priorities. Every goal you develop should support your mission statement.

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Create a ‘Must Do in Life’ List

Create a list of all the things you want to do, be, and experience before you leave this planet, then compare your list to your personal mission statement to ensure the items on your list support your statement.

Spend some Quality Quiet Time

Spend time regularly to reflect on your life and your next steps. An hour a month, a half-day every 6 months, a full day once a year – whatever works for you. Just find some time to quiet the noise for uninterrupted thinking and reflection.

Daily Dose of Inspiration
RELATED: Say “Yes” to some quiet time

Determine Your Ideal Life

Have you ever written down and defined exactly what an ideal day, week, month and year would look like for you? This is a great starting point to develop goals that will ultimately lead to a life full of happiness and joy.

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Develop a Life Plan

Follow an effective life planning process to develop a life plan. A good life planning process will help you figure out exactly what you want to do with your life, develop goals, create a plan and help you prioritise efficiently.

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Develop a planning schedule that works for you

Consider committing to a specific time period where you will revisit the direction you’re going and/or revise your life plan. Figure out what time period works best for you and put a recurring reminder on your calendar.

Daily Dose of Inspiration
RELATED: 10 Essential Ways to Plan a Successful Day!

Feel free to sign up to my Sunday Morning Letters HERE! It's like having a cup of tea and a chat with me on Sunday mornings - a strong dose of inspiration and encouragement to help you Curate & Live a Well-Designed Life; Consciously, Intentionally & Wholeheartedly. I want you to live your life fully - each day, less on autopilot and more on purpose - living a life of meaning ♡


I am Kiran and I'm a Lifestyle Coach, Podcast Host, Vegetarian Nutritionist, NLP Master Practitioner, Author and an Interior Designer.

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