Self-improvement is incredibly important. You know it, I know it, we all know it. But there are things you need to know — questions to ask yourself — before getting started.
You can’t hope to accomplish the type of self-improvement you dream of if you don’t understand where you are now, and where you want to go. Otherwise, you’ll be working towards the unknown, with no plan in place.
You could easily get caught up in self-doubt or a lack of confidence, or give in to the word impossible.
Instead, prepare yourself for self-improvement and growth by asking yourself some very important questions.
Here are 10 questions to ask yourself before heading down the self-improvement road.
1. What do I really want?
The question of the ages. So many things you want to do with your life, and so little time to make them happen. Without knowing what you want, you can’t grow with intention.

2. Should I really change?
Do you really want to change who and what you are now? Or are you simply not managing your mind, and feeling stuck? Changing the way you think, act, and who you are in life should be a conscious choice, not a reaction to circumstances or thoughts you don’t like.
3. What’s the bright side of all of this?
With so much happening around us, especially the things we don’t like or enjoy, there seems to be no room for noticing the light at the end of the tunnel. But looking at your struggles with a different perspective — asking yourself what those struggles could teach or offer you — could shed a whole lotta light on where you need to grow.
4. Am I comfortable with what I’m doing?
Sometimes comfortable is a good thing — it keeps you happy — but sometimes it’s a trap that keeps you stuck. It’s up to you to figure out where you are. And to figure out if your version of comfortable is helping or harming you.

5. Have I done enough for myself?
Are you content with the things you’ve accomplished? Have you achieved your goals, or is there something more you want to do, for yourself?
6. Am I happy where I am today?
Occasionally happiness is hidden behind our unaligned thoughts. You could be happy with where you are, but you can’t feel it because there are thoughts and emotions you haven’t been managing. You have to ask yourself: am I happy? Is my unhappiness coming from mismanaged thoughts and emotions?

7. How much could I have?
It’s not uncommon to dream about what’s possible — it’s downright normal. But dreaming and creating are two separate things, and the thing that separates them is the work you’re willing to do to make the dream a reality. How much could you have, and are you willing to work to accomplish it?
8. What motivates me?
What drives you? What motivates you to take action? The answer is different for everyone. Some people are motivated by purpose, some by money, and some by their own self-actualization. But what motivates you?

9. What really makes me tick?
So? What really makes you tick? You can be just about anything you want, but you won’t get there if you don’t understand yourself and how you work — what gives you satisfaction, and what makes you sweat.

10. What do I want to change in my life?
After you’ve gone through the previous questions, it’s time to ask yourself what you actually want to change in order to get where you’re going. The answer to this question will help you determine what you need to work on; where you need to grow, and where you need to improve.

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