With the added pressures of stories in the media, digital advances at the click of a button and social media supplying us with idyllic food photos, it can leave us overwhelmed trying to live up to high expectations, preventing us from making any positive change at all.

The most important thing is to get to know your body – inside and outside. Go to your GP and have your blood tests done – knowing what’s OK and not so OK with your body will give you an idea of what to do and where to start.
I have my annual blood tests done at the beginning of the year so I can plan my diet and health accordingly. I see myself being pretty healthy; I cook 3 meals daily using seasonal produce, drink herbal teas, go for long walks daily and do yoga 2 times a day.

I am very conscious and intentional about what I put into my body, however, sometimes I do slip and end up eating junk like chocolates, crisps and Mc Donalds – only to feel like crap after. I don’t even order takeaways as I don’t find them nearly as healthy as home-cooked food.
My point is; that most of the time we tend to eat for the sake of it or because we crave certain foods at certain times. I can’t stress this enough; We are What We Eat!

It is a scientifically proven fact that our food choices affect our health. The old saying, we are what we eat, is true. Every cell in our body was created from the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe. In addition to nourishing our bodies, food also affects the quality of our lives, our appearance, moods, weight, energy, the ageing process and our overall health and well-being. So it’s time to start doing one thing; Eating like you LOVE ♡ Yourself and you can do so by:
- Creating a Capsule Kitchen
- Eat Mindfully
- Planning your Meals
- Prepping the ingredients

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[…] RELATED: Eat like you LOVE yourself […]