Showing 416 Result(s)
Daily Dose of Inspiration
Daily Dose of Inspiration

Affirmations co-create your reality

They’re those repetitive statements you tell yourself. How many are harming you rather than benefiting you? Affirmations are statements declared to be true. Whether your inner dialogue is positive or negative, your mind will consider it to be true. Override any negative dialogue by creating powerful affirmations to replace them. List the top 10 negative …

Daily Dose of Inspiration
Daily Dose of Inspiration

The Whole-Life Health Lifestyle

Fad diets and fad health kicks don’t last because they work on the basis that you will have instant willpower and motivation and create instant life-changing habits. Behavioural science has proven that small, enjoyable and consistent actions are what create lasting change. For easy-to-follow and easy-to-maintain ways to a healthier lifestyle, start today with these …