Live a Well-Designed Life Quality of Life

How to have a Soulful Weekend

In today’s post, I wanted to bring together some of my favourite ways how to have a soulful weekend, especially if you have found yourself struggling to keep those vibrations high of late.

At the heart of a soulful weekend are you restoring your energy and feeling balanced again, so each of these tasks is about connection and in some cases, disconnecting, from the world.

How to have a Soulful Weekend
  • Go for a walk somewhere completely new. Get lost for a little while.
  • Delete all social media apps from your phone and reinstall Monday. And yes, I mean your emails too. READ: Disconnect to Reconnect
  • Plant an indoor or outdoor herb garden and embrace homegrown produce.
  • Have a fire in the back garden and toast marshmallows under the stars.
  • Go through old magazines and cut out anything that stirs a positive emotion.
  • Dance to a high vibe playlist.
  • Plan a luxury 3-course dinner and get dressed up for the occasion. How long ago was it since you really dressed up and felt amazing? Make it a date. READ: Go on a Date with Yourself
  • Have a detox bath with pink Himalayan salt.
  • Light your favourite candle.
  • Have a movie marathon of comedies and old classics.
  • Ring a friend guaranteed to make your belly laugh.
  • Go through your pictures on Facebook and save your favourites to print out.
  • Exfoliate your whole body and spend a little time moisturising afterwards.
  • Create a digital vision board as a screensaver on your phone.
  • Bake your favourite cake. How about a coffee cake or lemon drizzle?
  • Curl up on the sofa and read a book. I know you’ve got more than one half-finished.
  • Sit and focus on your breath for 10 minutes.
  • Write 20 things you’re grateful for right now and notice how your energy shifts. #FREE 14 Days of Gratitude
  • Create a mediation corner with floor cushions, candles and crystals. READ: Interview with Will Williams – Vedic Meditation Practitioner
  • Sage each corner of your house.
  • Give yourself permission to lie in a little longer than usual.
  • Get creative with your journal. READ: Practice Mindfulness with a Gratitude Journal
  • Stand outside barefoot in the grass to ground yourself.
  • Do a weekly reset. READ: The importance of a weekly reset
  • Plan your next big holiday and research all the amazing places to eat at, visit and take beautiful pictures.
  • Write a letter to your best friend and talk about 10 funny memories you have together.
  • Do a yoga flow to stretch your muscles and kick-start your Sunday morning. READ: Creating Your Own Yoga Practice at Home
  • Move your furniture around to create a new energy flow. Remember how good it felt as a child to move your bedroom around? READ: Home, Your Sanctuary
  • Try a new recipe or two.
  • Drive with no destination and your favourite songs playing
  • Complete that jigsaw.
  • Script your ideal day and see how possible it really is to live your dream life sooner than you think.
  • Write a list of 100 things you’d like to manifest.
  • Have a wholesome breakfast to get your weekend off to a good start – I’m thinking avocado and eggs on toast with a smoothie.
  • Tend to your plants.
  • Spend a little longer on your skincare routine, even throw in face steam and eye cream.
  • Listen to your favourite podcasts. Have you caught up on the Live a Well-Designed Life podcast yet?
  • Write a letter to your future self and explain how grateful you are that your dreams really did come true.
  • Take a guilt-free afternoon nap.
  • Recite positive affirmations in the mirror back to yourself.

Are you in need of having a soulful weekend?

Feel free to sign up to my Sunday Morning Letters HERE! It's like having a cup of tea and a chat with me on Sunday mornings - a strong dose of inspiration and encouragement to help you Curate & Live a Well-Designed Life; Consciously, Intentionally & Wholeheartedly. I want you to live your life fully - each day, less on autopilot and more on purpose - living a life of meaning ♡


I am Kiran and I'm a Lifestyle Coach, Podcast Host, Vegetarian Nutritionist, NLP Master Practitioner, Author and an Interior Designer.

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