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Tiny changes you can make to simplify Christmas

How’s your Christmas prep going? So far, I’ve had those difficult chats with family where I reiterate that I’m keeping things simple and my budget low.  They’re pretty used to how I do things now but I still like to set expectations.

It’s taken me years to find my version of Christmas – It’s inspired by Scandinavia as I am from Norway, and it’s slow & simple, super cosy where ‘Hygge‘ is the main focus.

In this post, I want to share small & simple ways to enjoy the festive season. I’ve designed this as a well of inspiration for you to pick and choose which ones appeal to you or fit with your lifestyle. You’ll know the ones which jump out at you and which ones don’t. Go with your gut and be brave where you can. This list may even inspire something completely different, which is great.

Simplifying anything isn’t easy and it always requires some trial and error. These are examples of baby steps you can take. Try just one, try them all – each baby step soon adds up.

Let’s get started…

  1. Focus on what is important
  2. Give money instead of gifts
  3. Say no to the office party
  4. Make lists
  5. Set a budget and stick to it
  6. Implement a ‘no credit card this Christmas’ rule
  7. When it Comes to Decor, Less is More
  8. Invest in Decorations You Can Repurpose
  9. Share out tasks so you’re not doing everything
  10. Suggest a secret Santa so you’ve got less to buy
  11. Give Christmas cards a miss (I’ve been doing this for the last 2-3 years)
  12. Try one meaningful gift per person
  13. Declutter Before Christmas
  14. Serve just one fail-safe dessert instead of ten different options
  15. Schedule some time for yourself (even if it’s just a long DO NOT DISTURB bath)
  16. Go for a fairy light only look for your tree
  17. Don’t have a tree at all
  18. Give the outside lights a miss this year
  19. Simplify Christmas Dinner
  20. Simplify Holiday Traditions
  21. Release the Traditions that Don’t Bring Us Joy
  22. Plan A Perfect Holiday Date
  23. Simplify Holiday Travel
  24. Use Video Conferencing
  25. Don’t buy presents for extended family
  26. Buy a present per extended family instead of per member of that family
  27. Schedule the must-dos first and then see what you’ve got time left for
  28. Do all your shopping online
  29. Drop the ‘best Christmas ever’ mindset and make ‘good enough’ your mantra
  30. Schedule a phone night in, complete with your drink and snacks of choice instead of travelling to see a friend in person
  31. Allow yourself to break tradition if it doesn’t fit your diary or budget this year
  32. DIY Your Gifts


I am Kiran and I'm a Lifestyle Coach, Podcast Host, Vegetarian Nutritionist, NLP Master Practitioner, Author and an Interior Designer.

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