How’s your Christmas prep going? So far, I’ve had those difficult chats with family where I reiterate that I’m keeping things simple and my budget low. They’re pretty used to how I do things now but I still like to set expectations. It’s taken me years to find my version of Christmas – It’s inspired …
Slowing the rush
How has your start to December been? I love December and this season, but it can be a lot. Do you feel that too? I’ve been thinking a lot about my intention for this season this year, and what I really want is to soak it all up. To savour all of it… the busyness, …
Returning Home to Myself
It is so easy to lose touch with ourselves, in these busy lives we lead. We can become so caught up in doing and achieving that we become disconnected from our feelings, our needs and wants our deepest desires and from what makes us happy. We can become so used to looking outwards, that we …
It’s OK to just be
You don’t always have to be growing/hustling/evolving into the next best version of yourself. Sometimes it’s ok to just be. I want you to have days without a schedule to keep, hours left open for unplanned adventures. Moments of true stillness. I want you to have a life outside your busy schedule – a life …