First, I want to encourage you to take a moment to acknowledge the year that’s been, all that you have achieved, and all the growth that’s taken place. I know this year has been a big one for me, which is why reflecting on your growth and achievements – no matter how ‘big’ or ‘small’ – is super important.
And the best way to do all that? With the 5 step process you’ll find below. This is something I swear by – it fuses soul searching with tangible goal setting, to create a foolproof process for creating your best year yet.
So, boil the kettle, whip out your journal, light a candle and answer these questions with an open heart, mind, and soul, because we’re about to reflect on and celebrate the year that’s just been, then set you up for a beautiful year!

The 5 Steps To Wrap-Up 2024 & Turn 2025 Into Your Best Year Yet
Answer the following questions. Be as honest, open, kind and compassionate with yourself as you can (that’s where the true gold lies!).
- During the more challenging times in 2024, how did you show up? Are you happy with how you showed up or could you have shown up differently?
- Did you step outside your comfort zone? If yes, when? How did that make you feel? What did you learn during the process?
- Did you love with your whole heart? If not, how come?
- Were you fully present? If not, why not? Where could you have been more present?
- Were you kind? Could you have been kinder to yourself and others?
- How did you serve others? Could you have served more?
- Where did any old limiting fears or beliefs pop up? Did you master her? If not, how come?
- What do you need to shed or let go of, in order to move forward? It could be anything – an old limiting belief, a job, a relationship, a situation, a pattern, a painful memory, resentment, hurt, or a behavior you are still holding onto.
- What is something you’ve been doing that you’d like to stop doing?
- What are you pretending is working in your life… but it’s really not?
- How have you been making things harder for yourself than they really need to be?
READ MORE: Monthly Reflections | 17 Daily Self-Reflection Journal Prompts | 30-Day Self-Reflection Challenge
For some of us, it can feel super uncomfortable to celebrate ourselves. If that’s you, I want to encourage you to step into the role of your own biggest cheerleader. Look at yourself with loving eyes, pick up those (metaphorical) pom poms, and let’s celebrate YOU!
- What worked really well in 2024? (It doesn’t matter how big or how small these ‘wins’ are, list them all!)
- What did you birth/create in 2024?
- What life areas or activities made you feel most fulfilled? Why?
- What have you achieved or what are you most proud of over the past year?
- What are the 3 biggest lessons you have learned?
- What have been 3 things that delighted and surprised you?
- How have you grown?
- What nourished you on a soul level this past year?
- When did you feel like the best version of yourself?
- Describe your 3 favourite memories from the past year. What do they have in common?
- What are you most grateful for in 2024?
READ MORE: It’s time to Celebrate
Now that we have reflected on the year that’s passed, it’s time to ponder the year ahead. Before we do that, it’s super important to do a little ceremony to clean the slate and lay a fresh foundation for your dreams to manifest. You can do that by performing a sage cleansing ritual around yourself, your home, and your office. I highly recommend doing this at least once a year to clear the stagnant energy.

Remember, you have the ability to manifest and create whatever your heart desires in the new year – and any time… but it isn’t going to happen by just sitting back and wishing it to manifest! You’ve got to take inspired action daily!
READ MORE: The distance between dreams and reality is called action
It’s now time to let go of the past and ponder the future. Close your eyes for a moment and think about the year to come. Once you have let your mind freewheel for a few minutes, open your eyes and answer the below questions.
It’s super important that when you are setting goals (any goals) that they tick the following criteria…
- They must be heart-centered.
- They must inspire you and give you goosebumps.
- They must be true for YOU and not be something you think you ‘should’ do or achieve based on someone else’s agenda.
- You must use inspiring language. For example, “I want to lose weight” is not as inspiring as “My goal is to wake up every morning feeling healthy, strong and vital“. Same with “I want to quit sugar“. Try something like, “I will treat my body like the temple it is, and only nourish it with the highest vibrational food that Mother Nature has to offer“.
- They must make your heart sing. If your goals don’t give you butterflies and excite the bejesus out of you, then create a different goal or try rewording it and using inspiring language.
- They mustn’t overwhelm you or stress you out.
- You must be super specific about what you want, and set goals that can be measured tangibly. For example, “I want to feel more gratitude” is too vague. Instead, try something like this: “My goal is to list three things I’m grateful for every single morning before I get out of bed.”
(Please note that if fear pops up and you get nervous in your tummy when setting your goals, this is a good sign. It means you’re on the right path.)
READ MORE: How are you supporting your dreams in this moment?
Ok, keeping the above in mind, let’s set your big and beautiful, heart-centered 2025 goals.
- What are 5 words that best describe how you want to feel in 2025? For example: strong, connected, vital, balanced, calm, present, healthy, grounded, expansive, focused, glowy, abundant, etc.
- What are 1-3 health goals you would like to achieve?
- What are 1-3 career goals you would like to achieve?
- What are 1-3 financial goals you would like to achieve?
- What are 1-3 self-love goals you would like to achieve?
- What are 1-3 relationship goals you would like to achieve?
- Do you want to travel this year? If yes, where do you want to go? Be as specific as possible. For example, “I would love to travel abroad 4 times this year, in March, June, September and and December.”
- What are 2-3 hobbies that you would like to explore and make more time for in 2025?
- What will you commit to *not* doing in 2025?
- What will you make more time for?
- How do you want to do things differently in 2025?
- Create your own 2025 Self Love Menu
- What does your ideal morning routine look like? Be as specific as possible.
- What does your ideal day look like?
- What does your self-loving nighttime routine look like?
- How can you give more to yourself next year? What would that look like specifically?
- Now close your eyes and think about 2025. See it, feel it, experience it like it’s already happened. Use your imagination and let it play out. See yourself living your best life, achieving your heart’s desires and manifesting your dreams. What does that feel like? Who is around you? Take 5-10 more minutes to really allow yourself to future-trip here. Smile as you see yourself healthy, strong, kicking goals, being surrounded by loved ones, and achieving what it is that you want. High-five yourself in your mind, and when you have finished your visualisation, move on to the next step…
No amount of sitting back and wishing will make your dreams manifest. You have to take daily inspired action.

This is where you come up with 3 powerful statements that you will write out and stick around your house and office so that you can see them for when times feel challenging and hard. Or you could set these as alarms on your phone to go off during the day.
Your affirmations can be anything, but try to use positive language, and set them in the present tense, as though what you’re affirming has already happened. For example…
- Everything is unfolding exactly the way it’s supposed to.
- This too shall pass.
- I create my own reality; if I don’t like what I have created I can create again.
- I am the one in the driver’s seat, I am responsible for my life and happiness.
- I am responsible for creating my happiness and joy.
Play around with some variations until you land on 3 that resonate the strongest. (If they give you that ‘oof’ feeling in your gut, you know you’ve got a good one!) Once you’ve settled on your three affirmations, write them out or print them out, and place them in highly visible locations. I love to display my affirmations on my computer and phone home screens, on my bathroom mirror, and on my bedside table.
READ MORE: Affirmations co-create your reality
LISTEN TO: PODCAST: Positive Affirmations and What to Do When they Don’t Work
Zoom ahead to 31st of December 2025 and write a letter to yourself about all that has happened in 2025 and all that you have achieved. When you finish your letter, sign your name, pop it in an envelope, seal it, write your name on it and put it somewhere you won’t lose it, so you can read it in one year’s time.
It’s also something that should not be rushed. So please take your time with this. Do it over the month of December and chip away at it each day. Some parts of it you’ll fly through, some parts might leave you stumped – either way, it’s all perfect. Be gentle and kind with yourself, and allow the process to unfold in its own time.
Most importantly, have fun with this whole exercise – because if it isn’t fun, it isn’t worth it.
READ MORE: 5 Ways to Show Up as Your Future Self & How to Create Your Best Future Self With Clarity & Purpose
LISTEN TO: PODCAST: Daily Changes you can make to Become Your Best Future Self

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