Showing 7 Result(s)
Daily Dose of Inspiration
Daily Dose of Inspiration

What do you want a little more of in this season of your life? What do you want a little less of?

This is a simple exercise I use regularly to help me notice where I’ve taken on too much or have a leaky boundary. And also to name the truth of what I want and need and make space for it. So for instance, in this season, I want a little more: And I want a …

Daily Meaningful Mindfulness Routine
Live a Well-Designed Life Quality of Life

Daily Meaningful Mindfulness Routine

Since learning about Mindfulness, passing my Mindfulness Diploma a few years ago and practising Mindfulness in my daily life, my life has shifted tremendously. Living in mindfulness simply means living in the moment – in the now! Mindfulness helps you to calm the compulsive chatter in your head to get some rest from your problems, your worries and your …