This is a simple exercise I use regularly to help me notice where I’ve taken on too much or have a leaky boundary. And also to name the truth of what I want and need and make space for it. So for instance, in this season, I want a little more: And I want a …
Take a break from what you are doing
When you own a business or just really love what you do, you probably find yourself working all the time – I know I do at times… I just get carried away. However, it is important to have a Work & Life Balance and have passions outside of work. It’s not only healthy but also essential …
The Art of Simple Living
I have learned that living simple really isn’t simple at all – especially when I was brought up believing that the more things I had, the happier and more successful I’d be. It took some time for me to learn how to start living a simple life, slow down and find ways to simplify my life. I …
It’s almost Friday
The pressure of having to keep everything together (by throwing and catching all those balls) can often just feel too much. If this sounds like you, it’s time to reassess and get your life into perspective – put your health and well-being first! It’s the day before Friday – try the following tips to help …
Daily Meaningful Mindfulness Routine
Since learning about Mindfulness, passing my Mindfulness Diploma a few years ago and practising Mindfulness in my daily life, my life has shifted tremendously. Living in mindfulness simply means living in the moment – in the now! Mindfulness helps you to calm the compulsive chatter in your head to get some rest from your problems, your worries and your …
How do you spend the first moments of the day?
The moment during the day when you very first open your eyes and come into consciousness is a precious opportunity. It sets the tone for all that comes after it. At this moment, your ability to create the day is at its most powerful, and you can offer yourself fully to the creative process by …
Learning to Be Yourself
How often do you find yourself trying to please others? Do you always wonder what they think of you and does this make you anxious? Do you continually justify your actions so you can feel “one of the girls”? Wouldn’t it be great if you could throw off those shackles and just be yourself? Focus …