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Live a Well-Designed Life Quality of Life

How to do a Monthly Reset to Simplify and Organise Your Life

I’m a great believer in breaking big tasks down into smaller ones. I also understand the importance of being consistent, keeping up with routines and not being afraid to make small changes to our lives that help simplify things even more. For these reasons, the end of the month OR the beginning of the month …

Daily Dose of Inspiration
Daily Dose of Inspiration

Mental Wellness: Are you doing these 5 things?

Positive psychology offers a helpful 5-step model for flourishing in life and staying mentally well called P.E.R.M.A. P – Positive Emotions: gratitude, intentions, focusing on the positive etc. E – Engagement: Participating in life R – Relationships: Connecting with others M – Meaning: Having a sense of purpose and meaning in everyday life A – …