Health & Well-being Quality of Life

How to organise kitchen cupboards to save money

How to organise kitchen cupboards to save money

Over the last few years, people have become more aware of food waste to save money. Many people are failing to organise their kitchens correctly, leading to people throwing away expired foods and spending money on a last-minute dash to the supermarket to refill their kitchen cupboards. Surprisingly, a simple rejig of the kitchen cupboards …

Quality of Life

How Just 20 Minutes Cleaning Can Keep Your Home Clean All Week

How Just 20 Minutes Cleaning Can Keep Your Home Clean All Week

Keeping a clean home is essential, but balancing that with a busy lifestyle can be challenging. Many of us struggle to find the time to maintain our homes while juggling work, family, and personal responsibilities. If you feel like you never have time to clean your home, these tips are for you. In today’s post …

Health & Well-being Live a Well-Designed Life Quality of Life



What is holistic living and how do you live a holistic lifestyle? Holistic is a healthy and sustainable way of living a balanced life. It involves making intentional choices to care for our mind, body, and soul. There’s a common misconception that holistic living only involves using natural remedies. To me, a holistic lifestyle goes …

Quality of Life

Revamp Your Residence: 5 Renovation Tips for a Stunning Home Transformation

Revamp Your Residence 5 Renovation Tips for a Stunning Home Transformation

Do the walls of your home feel like they’re closing in? Does your décor scream ‘last decade’? You’re not alone! Many homeowners find themselves longing for a change – a space that better reflects their current tastes and lifestyle. Luckily, you don’t have to pack up and move to get that new-home feeling. Home renovation …

Health & Well-being Quality of Life

Digital Detox; the health benefits of unplugging & resetting?

Digital Detox; the health benefits of unplugging & resetting

According to a YouGov study on sleep, 87% of Britons say they look at their phone or tablet within an hour before going to bed (myself included), with 25% claiming they look at their phone immediately before going to sleep. On top of this, 74% of people say they keep their phones in the bedroom …

Health & Well-being Live a Well-Designed Life Quality of Life

How to Incorporate Holistic Interior Design into Your Home

How to Incorporate Holistic Interior Design into Your Home

In the article “What is Holistic Interior Design?”, I explained that holistic interior design is an energy-based approach to interior design, that takes into consideration the impact your home’s interiors will have on your mind, body and soul. In today’s article, in this post I share simple and easy ways in which you can incorporate …