Live a Well-Designed Life Quality of Life

What’s Your Vision for Winter Season?

What's Your Vision for Winter Season

Winter is for resting, nourishing, and introspection. It’s short, dark days spent cosying up, focused inwards on home. A time for nesting, resting, nourishing, restoring, gathering with friends around the fire, and preparing yourself for the new year ahead. Winter Journaling Prompts: Next, you are now about to create a vision for your life for …

Live a Well-Designed Life Quality of Life

How to Organise Your Life in 2024

How to Organise your Life Before 2024

Do a Life Assessment Look at your daily decisions and habits. Automate or eliminate where you can. Break things down into the following categories that apply and see where you need to put in some work to be more efficient, productive, fulfilled, and happier. Also, acknowledge where you are doing well and give yourself credit …

Health & Well-being

Self-Care Secrets for Aging with Grace and Vitality

Self-Care Secrets for Aging with Grace and Vitality

Have you ever wondered how some people seem to age like fine wine, getting better and more vibrant each year? Do you find yourself wondering what their secret could be? If you answered these questions with a YES, you might think it’s all about having good genes or just being lucky. But the truth often …

Health & Well-being

Ageing Gracefully: 7 Essential Tips for Physical and Mental Fitness

Ageing Gracefully 7 Essential Tips for Physical and Mental Fitness

Ageing gracefully is all about exuding a harmonious blend of physical well-being, mental acuity, and emotional contentment as you navigate the various stages of life. It is more than maintaining a youthful appearance. It is also embracing the natural changes that come with ageing. As you age, you definitely want to prioritize a lifestyle that …

Career / Business & Finances

Course Finished? What Next When It Comes To Life After A Full-Time Educational Course?

Course Finished What Next When It Comes To Life After A Full-Time Educational Course

Many of us like the idea of studying for degrees and qualifications through college and university, but once the structure of classes has gone, what next? When we are younger, we can get enclosed in a safety bubble of routine and structure, student financing and accommodation. However, once it is all over, we are required …

Health & Well-being Quality of Life

Discovering Inner Harmony: How Self-Love Can Be Your Path

Discovering Inner Harmony How Self-Love Can Be Your Path

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, finding inner harmony has become important for many. And why not? After all, making your soul happy is like an intimate dance with your true self. So, just imagine every moment of your life as a cosy chat with yourself, where you say, “I’m worthy of love, …