By living a more simplified life, you’re getting rid of any mental and physical clutter so you can focus on the things that truly matter in life. So without further ado, below I share tips that’ll allow you to save time, money and live a more fulfilled life.
Follow a Morning Routine
I LOVE morning routines. I’ve found that when I stick to a solid morning routine, I am able to be more productive for longer periods of time and accomplish a ton before the day has even started.
And your routine doesn’t have to be long either. A lot of successful people have found value in taking 5-10 minutes each morning to plan out their day.

Spend Less Time on Social Media
This is one of my many resolutions for 2022 and is something I think we all struggle with. I always find myself checking my phone every so often to see if I get a notification or a text. It’s a habit that I didn’t even realize I was doing until recently.
Think about all of the time wasted checking Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat throughout the day that could be spent being productive. The best way to break this habit is to discipline yourself to only check social media x amount of minutes per day.
Write down time blocks in your planner specifically for checking social media, that way you’ll hold yourself accountable.

Declutter Your Life
Now, this has been and still is a BIG ONE for me. I’ve literally spent the last couple of years getting rid of items that no longer serve a purpose or spark joy in my heart. During this period, I would say I have easily parted ways with at least 70% of my overall belongings and now I am only surrounded by the things that I truly love and that brings me joy.

Organise Your Closet
My closet used to look like a hot mess. Despite having loads of clothes, I still had nothing to wear – sounds familiar, right? I then spent some time re-curating my style and creating a capsule wardrobe – one of the best things I did for myself

Set Monthly & Yearly Goals
Although I love setting New Year’s resolutions, there’s a lesser chance I’ll actually get them done unless they’re concrete goals I’ve set in place. That’s why (keeping my resolutions as a loose guideline) I set around 3 goals every month as well as 6 and 12-month goals. Any larger goals are broken into smaller chunks so they’re easier to manage.

Create a List of 3 Priorities for the Day
This tip is a life-changer. If you’re a procrastinator (like me) because you’re overwhelmed by all the things you need to get done throughout the day, prioritising is the best way to combat that.
Write down early in the morning (or the night before) a list of everything you need to get done that day. Then evaluate your list and pick out your top 3 priorities. List them in order of importance. Everything else is just extra.
Not only has meal-prepping helped me cut down on costs but it also holds me accountable to eat healthily. I LOVE meal planning. I do it religiously, and if you know me in real life, you’ll know that it’s something I try to convince everyone to do for themselves because it will absolutely change your life for the better.
I think it’s really important to learn how to make a meal plan of your own. Making meal plans tailored to your lifestyle and food preferences will be the most cost-effective and reduce the most waste.

Manage Your Finances
One of the best ways you simplify your life in 2022 is to take control of your finances. If your money isn’t right, then it’s probably affecting your ability to live a simpler life.
The bank I bank with has an app that helps set budgets, round-up pennies and puts them aside in a separate savings account, I can check my credit report and so much more.

Learn to say ‘NO’
It can be hard to say no, but it’s so important because you need to reserve that precious time for the most important things in life. You can’t always be there for everyone at all times and that’s okay. Set boundaries now and make time for yourself. You’ll thank yourself later.

Let Go of Toxic People
You can tell when you are around someone who’s toxic because they put a heavy emotional weight on you that’s often overwhelming.
Whether it’s a judgmental family member, a bad friend or a toxic partner – there is no room in your life for them.
You only want to make space in your life for people who encourage and support you as a person. Don’t let them drag you down to their level. It’s time to let them go.

Have a ‘Life Admin’ Day
A ‘Life Admin’ day is one day out of the week to get things done, such as all of the things that fell behind during the week like running errands, doing small things around the house, washing bedding, grocery shopping, meal prepping, etc.
My Life Admin day is always on Sundays because that is the end of the week and the only time I have to organise and clean everything.
There is no better feeling than a freshly-clean house, free of clutter and worries to start the new week.

Listen to Motivational Podcasts
If you’re someone who retains information better through audio than reading OR you are looking for a way to learn while doing boring tasks (i.e. commuting), then podcasts are the perfect way to do just that.
I am such a nerd for self-help podcasts. I will pop them on when I am going for a walk, while I’m in the grocery store or travelling.
What are your favourite podcasts? Let me know in the comments section below this post!

Schedule Time for Self-Care
When life gets busy, it can be easy to forget about self-care. But it’s so important for your mental health and well-being.
That’s why I make it a priority to block out time in my planner for daily self-care. Even if it’s 10-15 minutes, giving yourself time to rejuvenate and refresh your mind is so rewarding.

Automate everything you can
This saved me so much time last year, it’s insane. From managing finances to scheduling social media, so many of the things that I used to get stressed about are now running on autopilot. I don’t even have to think about it.
Here are some things you can automate for a simpler 2022:
- Finances – Have your employer direct deposit your paycheck and set it up so x% goes into a savings account. This way you’ll have money saved by the end of the year. You can also set it up to auto-pay bills or auto-pay your monthly credit card payments.
- Social Media – If you feel like you never have time to post to social media, you should consider getting a social media scheduler, especially if you’re a blogger or business owner. I am in love with PLANN and use it to schedule all of my social media.
- Editing – Whenever I’m in a rush to get a paper done, my go-to app for checking spelling and grammar errors is Grammarly. It is definitely one of the more advanced editing apps out there and gives me detailed suggestions to improve my writing.
- Shopping – I like to use Amazon Subscribe and Save
” alt=”” width=”1″ height=”1″ border=”0″ data-src=”//″ data-pin-description=”Look forward to a great year with these 21 easy ways to simplify your life so you can stress less and live a more fulfilled life.#simplifyyourlife #simpleliving #minimalism #minimal” /> to have essential items (like deodorant, toothpaste, etc.) delivered to my door on a reoccurring basis. That way I don’t have to think about reordering them when the time comes.

Follow the 80/20 Rule
The 80/20 rule is basically the idea that 20 per cent of your time should produce 80 per cent of your results. You can apply this to work or your own business. When you have this rule in mind, you naturally start to streamline your workflow so you can focus your energy on more important things.
For my own business, I write down exactly what needs to get done throughout the day and I think to myself, “how can I simplify these tasks?” By doing this, your brain will automatically start to find solutions to your questions.

Use Calendar App to stay on track
I like to use Google Calendar to plan out my month, a paper planner for weekly and daily tasks to set reminders so I am always on top of my A-game.
You can even create sub-calendars within your Google Calendar for different events. I have 2 calendars:
- Personal
- Business
This is the most efficient way for me to be organised and stay on track for a stress-free 2022.

Slow Down
The biggest lesson I’ve learned this year is to slow down.
I used to feel so guilty if I let myself break away from work for even a little bit as if I was letting myself down. It’s easy to rush in life that we miss out on important things and forget to take care of ourselves. That’s why it’s important to be more present in the current moment.

Have an Evening Routine
Whether you’ve had a long day, an awesome day, overall good or bad day it’s important to unwind, calm down and let your body know it’s time to sleep. You don’t just go to sleep, you have to plan for sleep. A calming bedtime routine is essential for getting a good night’s sleep.
It’s just as important to end your day right as it is to start it right.

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