Do you feel guilty when practising self-love & self-care

Do you feel guilty when practising self-love & self-care?

When I take time out for myself or do something for myself, I feel guilty. I always feel like I should be working more on my business and spend quality time with Khushi (or use the money I want to use on myself on Khushi or save it for our future). Do you get this …

Tidy Home, Tidy Mind: How Organising Your Home Can Improve Your Well-being

Tidy Home, Tidy Mind: How Organising Your Home Can Improve Your Well-being

The phrase “tidy home, tidy mind” is not just a cliché. It’s a well-founded principle rooted in psychology and neuroscience. Clutter can have a profound effect on both our mental and emotional health. An organised space can promote feelings of calmness as well as resulting in reduced stress and boosted productivity. In this post, I explain …