Live a Well-Designed Life Quality of Life

Five time-management tips that will change your life

Five time-management tips that will change your life

List Your Priorities You can’t prioritise your time if you aren’t clear – even if just to yourself – about what is most important to you.  Is it your family?  Your spouse?  Serving your community?  Getting your blood pressure under control or losing 50 pounds?  Is it finishing your degree?  Getting your house in order …

Live a Well-Designed Life

My favourite poem about Self-Love by Charlie Chaplin

Self-Love by Charlie Chaplin

Do you feel guilty about practising Self-Love & Self-Care? I am a big advocate of the importance of Self-Love & Self-Care. On my travel to India a few years ago, I came across Happinez Magazine where I read a beautiful poem by Charlie Chaplin; ‘As I began to love myself’. This poem really touched my heart. I could …

Live a Well-Designed Life Quality of Life

The importance of taking a Healthy Break

The importance of taking a Healthy Break

I recently read an article; ‘To Make the Weekend Last Longer, Try Something New’ which inspired me to write this post; ‘Taking a Healthy Break’. The majority of us wait for the weekend to come so we can slow down, relax, spend quality time with family and friends and so on – BUT… How about we …

Live a Well-Designed Life Quality of Life

5 ways to transform your everyday routines into moments of indulgence

5 ways to transform your everyday routines into moments of indulgence

Life isn’t about the ultimate stopping point, it’s about finding happiness between destinations. Stop living on autopilot and be present in the moment – every moment. Take the time to transform everyday routines into meaningful rituals and you’ll rediscover the beauty of life. Happiness can be found in the smallest of things; Enjoy a warm fragrant bath, a cup …

Live a Well-Designed Life Personality, Character & Self-Discovery

Do you have an experience list?

Do you have an experience list

We fuel our bodies with food, our minds with education and our hearts with love, but new experiences and dreams can nourish our spirit in ways that nothing else can. Whatever your goals or dreams are, there are benefits to turning them into an experience list, a well-crafted one can push you to lead your …

Live a Well-Designed Life Quality of Life

Create a Small Calm Space to which You can Escape

Create a Calm Space to which You can Retreat

One of the biggest obstacles to creating calmness in your life is the sheer amount of overwhelming you face each day. I’ve talked about the different kinds of clutter that are a constant barrage on your peace of mind. It can seem impossible to overcome these messes in order to achieve pleasant surroundings and a …