Showing 263 Result(s)
Interview with Alice Vincent
Health & Well-being Live a Well-Designed Life Quality of Life

Interview with Plant Expert, Alice Vincent

If you follow me on Instagram, you may have noticed I’ve been showing off my gorgeous plants. I’ve never been good with plants, they always tended to die on me. Unfortunately, I did not inherit my parents’ green fingers. View this post on Instagram A post shared by KIRAN SINGH • Lifestyle Coach (@kiransinghuk) Over …

Personal Sabbatical – Taking a ‘PAUSE’ in Life
Live a Well-Designed Life Personality, Character & Self-Discovery Quality of Life

Personal Sabbatical – Taking a ‘PAUSE’ in Life

I’ll be 45 in October next year (2022), and lately, I have been thinking a lot about taking a personal sabbatical – a PAUSE in life so to say. Until this morning – literally – it was just an idea I was playing around with only to put it aside, then Khushi and I were …

10 Things Organised People Do Every Day
Live a Well-Designed Life Quality of Life

10 Things Organised People Do Every Day

Being organised isn’t just about going through your paper piles once in a while. It’s not just about doing the spring cleaning thing once a year either. Those things are great, but organised people are organised because they’ve chosen to make organising part of their daily practice. Yes, I’m talking every. Single. Day. With that …

Five time-management tips that will change your life
Live a Well-Designed Life Quality of Life

Five time-management tips that will change your life

List Your Priorities You can’t prioritise your time if you aren’t clear – even if just to yourself – about what is most important to you.  Is it your family?  Your spouse?  Serving your community?  Getting your blood pressure under control or losing 50 pounds?  Is it finishing your degree?  Getting your house in order …