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Fashion Forward Finds Gift Ideas for the Trendy Woman
Live a Well-Designed Life

Fashion Forward Finds: Gift Ideas for the Trendy Woman

We all know her – the woman with an uncanny knack for turning heads with her outfits. She rocks the latest trends with confidence, making them look effortlessly chic.  Whether it’s your best friend, significant other, sister, or someone else special, this fashionista deserves a gift that reflects her unique style. But let’s be honest: …

Radically Simple Self-Care Tips That Will Literally Change Your Life
Health & Well-being Quality of Life

Radically Simple Self-Care Tips That Will Literally Change Your Life

Hands up if you need some epic self-care right now. Maybe you’ve got a lot going on right now, and you’ve let yourself drop to ‘last’ on your priorities list. Or maybe you’re just not feeling as good/ healthy/ vibrate/ high vibe as you want to, and you’re not sure why. Whatever the reason, self-care …

5 Areas Where SMEs Often Fail: A Lesson for New Entrepreneurs
Career / Business & Finances

5 Areas Where SMEs Often Fail: A Lesson for New Entrepreneurs

According to studies conducted before the COVID pandemic, 20 percent of small businesses go under by the end of their first year. The rate of failure rises to 50 percent by the end of their fifth year, up to 80 percent by the end of their first decade. Rather than be discouraged by these grim …

Tips for sticking to your New Year’s resolutions throughout 2024
Live a Well-Designed Life

Tips for sticking to your New Year’s resolutions throughout 2024

The New Year serves as an opportunity for many of us to evaluate our lives and implement necessary changes to become fitter and healthier.  A recent YouGov survey found that exercising more or improving one’s fitness was the most common resolution for 2024, with 56% of people planning to implement this change. Despite good intentions, many …

Why Growing Your Own Vegetables is Good for the Mind and Body
Health & Well-being Quality of Life

Why Growing Your Own Food is Good for the Mind and Body

What could bring you closer to nature than growing your own food? Plant the seed, watch it sprout, nurture it, water it, see it thrive, carefully harvest, cook and enjoy! There are so many reasons why growing your own food is so important, even if you have never tried it before. You can start with …

5 ways to embrace JOMO (The Joy of Missing Out) this Winter
Live a Well-Designed Life Quality of Life Seasonal Living

5 ways to embrace JOMO (The Joy of Missing Out) this Winter

With the festive party season now behind us, we’re all entitled to enjoy a little guilt-free JOMO and cosy up at home.  Cold weather, darkness, lack of money after the festive season and inevitable illness. Although it may be tempting to complain our way through January,  instead embrace JOMO, or the ‘Joy of Missing Out’ …