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The Slow Living Concept and how to get started
Live a Well-Designed Life Quality of Life

The Slow Living Concept and how to get started

More and more people (myself included) are trading in their modern, stressful lives for a quieter existence that involves spending more time at home. This is how I started living a slow life after moving to the seafront of Hastings last year. Slow living, has since, become a lifestyle that aligns perfectly with my values. …

10 Things Organised People Do Every Day
Live a Well-Designed Life Quality of Life

10 Things Organised People Do Every Day

Being organised isn’t just about going through your paper piles once in a while. It’s not just about doing the spring cleaning thing once a year either. Those things are great, but organised people are organised because they’ve chosen to make organising part of their daily practice. Yes, I’m talking every. Single. Day. With that …