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16 Ways to Nurture Yourself more
Live a Well-Designed Life

16 Ways to Nurture Yourself more

Nurturing ourselves starts with identifying our needs. It’s about taking the time to reflect on your deepest yearnings and longings. Think about where you’re feeling empty. Where is there a gaping void or a small crack? Think about what you need emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. Think about what a fulfilling, satisfying life looks like …

Five time-management tips that will change your life
Live a Well-Designed Life Quality of Life

Five time-management tips that will change your life

List Your Priorities You can’t prioritise your time if you aren’t clear – even if just to yourself – about what is most important to you.  Is it your family?  Your spouse?  Serving your community?  Getting your blood pressure under control or losing 50 pounds?  Is it finishing your degree?  Getting your house in order …

Activities to boost your happiness
Live a Well-Designed Life Personality, Character & Self-Discovery

9 Activities to Boost Your Happiness!

Happiness experts are saying that buying luxury goods tends to create one-upmanship behaviour and that wealth may actually interfere with people’s ability to enjoy positive emotions that come from life’s small pleasures, like eating a chocolate bar. On the flip side, investing in an event-related activity like travel or cooking classes is less likely to …

10 Questions to ask yourself about Self-Love
Live a Well-Designed Life Personality, Character & Self-Discovery

10 Questions to ask yourself about Self-Love

How much do you truly love yourself — deeply, wholly, authentically, and beyond the superficial, ego-based definition? The reason this question is fundamental (and perhaps the most important question you can ask) is without knowing the answer, you may live unconsciously from moment to moment. You just go through the motions without being able to …