Showing 343 Result(s)
The Ultimate Summer Lifestyle Guide
Live a Well-Designed Life Quality of Life

Summer Lifestyle Guide

Welcome to the ultimate guide to making the most out of your summer! Whether you’re looking for relaxation, adventure, or something in between, this comprehensive guide has got you covered. From travel tips to wellness advice, I’ve compiled everything you need to have an unforgettable summer season. 1. Travel: 2. Health and Wellness: 3. Entertainment: …

Health & Well-being Live a Well-Designed Life Quality of Life


What is holistic living and how do you live a holistic lifestyle? Holistic is a healthy and sustainable way of living a balanced life. It involves making intentional choices to care for our mind, body, and soul. There’s a common misconception that holistic living only involves using natural remedies. To me, a holistic lifestyle goes …

How to Incorporate Holistic Interior Design into Your Home
Health & Well-being Live a Well-Designed Life Quality of Life

How to Incorporate Holistic Interior Design into Your Home

In the article “What is Holistic Interior Design?”, I explained that holistic interior design is an energy-based approach to interior design, that takes into consideration the impact your home’s interiors will have on your mind, body and soul. In today’s article, in this post I share simple and easy ways in which you can incorporate …

Space-Saving Solutions The Perfect Appliances for Compact Kitchens
Live a Well-Designed Life Quality of Life

Space-Saving Solutions: The Perfect Appliances for Compact Kitchens

Do you ever feel like your home is bursting at the seams? Many of us face the challenge of making the most out of our limited living spaces.  Whether you live in a cosy apartment or a compact house, finding room for everything can be a real puzzle. But fear not! With the right appliances, …