Quality of Life Seasonal Living

How To Create A Seasonal Home

Living in tune with natures seasonal rhythms has, over the years, become a way of life for me. Bringing my awareness to the subtle shifts within the natural world that occur with each new day, helps me to feel grounded and connected, gives my life a greater meaning and purpose.

When I immerse myself within nature I am able to tap into a deep presence. Sitting beneath a towering tree and looking up in to its branches, or up in to the night sky, at the stars and the moon, one can’t help but feel a part of something so fundamental and magical. These moments are available to all of us, they restore us and serve as inspiration and clarity for many of our lives endeavours, as well as flooding our minds and bodies with a sense of well-being and peace.

How To Create A Seasonal Home

What is a seasonal home?

The word ‘Home’ – just four little letters, but a word that means so much! and if we are fortunate enough, just hearing the word Home is all it takes to conjure feelings of safety, warmth and comfort. Having a home to retreat to after being out in the world is such a blessing and something I truly give thanks for every day. I try as much as possible to create a home that nurtures us as a family and a huge part of that has been to create a seasonal home.

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Adding greenery to your seasonal home

One thing that people tend to notice in our house are the many plants. I have found that as well as looking beautiful, having lots of greenery in our home is really beneficial for my mental health. Studies have shown that surrounding yourself with the colour green promotes feelings of balance and harmony, self-acceptance, and compassion, and is brilliant for reducing stress and anxiety.

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Embracings the seasons at home

During those four pillars of the year I make subtle changes throughout our home that although small, have a big impact and mean that we are held in comfort within the present moment. In Spring and Summer all of our Winter wears are put away and changed for lighter layers. In Autumn and Winter those all get put away and out come the cosy woollen socks, cashmere jumpers and cardigans once again. For Spring and Summer, I like to change the bed linens ready for the warmer evenings and then of course in Autumn and Winter out come the fleecy layers and blankets and hot water bottles.

RELATED: How to live in sync with the Seasons

In the Summer you will find me sat where the sun has let itself in through the window with a fresh juice and a salad, where as in Autumn and Winter there are stews and soups bubbling on the stove, the candles are lit and there is always a hot cup of tea in my hands. Honouring the seasons within your surroundings changes the way you live, and to live in tune with natures shifts is deeply nourishing.

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Using natural scents to celebrate the season

No matter what the season there will always be windows open allowing breezes to enter our home, keeping the air fresh and the energy flowing. The essential oils I drop in to the diffuser change depending on the time of year, cleansing the space and setting the mood for the current season, light and airy in the Spring, sweet and floral in the Summer, warming and nourishing in the Autumn, energising and uplifting in the depths of Winter. I really enjoy using the seasonal wax melts – they have become a beautiful part of our seasonal home, flooding the space with carefully blended scents.

A guide to creating a cosy home
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I will end this post by saying that . . . Whether it is popping out to the pots at the back door to snip a few herbs for your cooking, or burning a different candle in the Summer than you would in the Winter, displaying local blooms in the Spring or acknowledging the joy of bringing out the Winter woollens, you are living seasonally perhaps without even realising, which is great. Perhaps you could also ask yourself:

  • How could I deepen the experience?
  • How could I nourish myself more fully?
  • In which ways could I tune in more and invite even more presence?

RELATED: 7 Benefits of Spending Time in Nature

Taking those moments to truly take stock of what is happening in nature and bringing that in to your home environment too will make way for more fulfilment in your life and for a more tangible experience of that fulfilment which is a win-win for sure. Let us go forth with a renewed energy to celebrate natures seasons in our lives.

RELATED: 5 Ways to Connect with Nature

Feel free to sign up to my Sunday Morning Letters HERE! It's like having a cup of tea and a chat with me on Sunday mornings - a strong dose of inspiration and encouragement to help you Curate & Live a Well-Designed Life; Consciously, Intentionally & Wholeheartedly. I want you to live your life fully - each day, less on autopilot and more on purpose - living a life of meaning ♡


I am Kiran and I'm a Lifestyle Coach, Podcast Host, Vegetarian Nutritionist, NLP Master Practitioner, Author and an Interior Designer.

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