- Commit to habits, practices, routines and rituals that are good for your well-being – even when you don’t want to
- Allow yourself to feel a multitude of feelings without labelling them as wrong, bad or negative
- Practice listening to your needs and discovering different ways of meeting those needs
- Practice self-forgiveness; for not being perfect, for forgetting, your past, for what you don’t know, and for getting “off-track” sometimes
- Let yourself start again, over and over, as often as needed
- Take care of your basic needs: stay hydrated, get enough sleep, move your body, and eat plentifully
- Give yourself permission to rest, take breaks, and have downtime
- Spend quality time with yourself: reading, writing, creating and getting to know who you are underneath who you think you should be
- Use a lens of curiosity and compassion with yourself as often as possible
- Remind yourself that you are as worthy of being shown up for as anyone else in life. Make yourself a priority in your own life
Feel free to sign up to my Friday Morning Love Note HERE! This isn’t just a newsletter - it’s your invitation to pause, reflect, and realign with you. Every week, we’ll journey together to uncover the small, meaningful shifts that will help you design a life that feels uniquely and beautifully yours. Each week, I’ll deliver fresh intentions, uplifting tips, and simple shifts to inspire purposeful, creative living.