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The Slow Living Concept and how to get started
Live a Well-Designed Life Quality of Life

The Slow Living Concept and how to get started

More and more people (myself included) are trading in their modern, stressful lives for a quieter existence that involves spending more time at home. This is how I started living a slow life after moving to the seafront of Hastings last year. Slow living, has since, become a lifestyle that aligns perfectly with my values. …

10 Things Organised People Do Every Day
Live a Well-Designed Life Quality of Life

10 Things Organised People Do Every Day

Being organised isn’t just about going through your paper piles once in a while. It’s not just about doing the spring cleaning thing once a year either. Those things are great, but organised people are organised because they’ve chosen to make organising part of their daily practice. Yes, I’m talking every. Single. Day. With that …

The Benefits of Living in a Small House #TinyHouseLiving
Live a Well-Designed Life Quality of Life

The Benefits of Living in a Small House #TinyHouseLiving

With the cost of modern living increasing every year, you may be wondering how you will ever be able to own your own home. For this reason, more and more people are getting involved in the ‘tiny house’ movement and creating a home they can afford. Building a tiny house brings a lot more benefits besides …