- Enjoy outdoor time at a park
- Go for a bike ride, walk, run, hike, or rollerblade
- Play your favourite video game or board game
- Put together a puzzle
- Read a book
- Try out a new recipe in the kitchen (using ingredients you have on hand)
- Look for free days at your local museums
- Visit friends or family
- Organise your house
- Have a garage sale to sell unwanted and unneeded things
- Exercise
- Visit your local Farmers’ Market
- Start a garden and begin growing your own herbs, flowers, fruit & veg
- Watch a movie
- Relax for a while
- Take a Bike Ride on a Trail or go Hiking
- Create a seasonal bucket-list
- Start a journaling practice
- Start a meditation practice
- Declutter & simplify your life
- Give your Home some TLC
- Declutter, stock up & organise your pantry
- Start that course you have been waiting to do
- Create a vision board
- Go to the movies
- Take yourself on a solo-date
- Redecorate your Home with things you already have – rearrange furniture, swap out curtains, change soft furnishings etc.
- Do something to get your creative juices flowing
- Have an afternoon nap
- Watch the TV series you have been wanting to watch
Feel free to sign up to my Sunday Morning Letters HERE! It's like having a cup of tea and a chat with me on Sunday mornings - a strong dose of inspiration and encouragement to help you Curate & Live a Well-Designed Life; Consciously, Intentionally & Wholeheartedly. I want you to live your life fully - each day, less on autopilot and more on purpose - living a life of meaning ♡
[…] READ MORE: 30-Day No-Spend Challenge […]