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Digital Detox; the health benefits of unplugging & resetting
Health & Well-being Quality of Life

Digital Detox; the health benefits of unplugging & resetting?

According to a YouGov study on sleep, 87% of Britons say they look at their phone or tablet within an hour before going to bed (myself included), with 25% claiming they look at their phone immediately before going to sleep. On top of this, 74% of people say they keep their phones in the bedroom …

KS Digital Library

Digital Library


11 Tips for Balancing Work and MBA Studies for Post-Grad Students
Quality of Life

11 Tips for Balancing Work and MBA Studies for Post-Grad Students

Balancing work and MBA studies can be a tough challenge for post-grad students. Juggling professional responsibilities while pursuing an advanced degree demands excellent time management and strategic planning. If you’re one of the many students trying to balance these two demanding aspects of life, this article is for you.  Listed below, you will find practical …

20 Ways to Slow Down this Summer
Live a Well-Designed Life Quality of Life

20 Ways to Slow Down this Summer

As the days stretch lazily into the warm embrace of summer, there’s a gentle invitation whispered on the breeze: slow down, and savor each moment. In a world that often feels like it’s constantly rushing forward, summer offers us a precious opportunity to pause, breathe, and reconnect with the simple pleasures of life. Whether it’s …

The Ultimate Summer Lifestyle Guide
Live a Well-Designed Life Quality of Life

Summer Lifestyle Guide

Welcome to the ultimate guide to making the most out of your summer! Whether you’re looking for relaxation, adventure, or something in between, this comprehensive guide has got you covered. From travel tips to wellness advice, I’ve compiled everything you need to have an unforgettable summer season. 1. Travel: 2. Health and Wellness: 3. Entertainment: …

Most commonly asked questions about personal finance
Career / Business & Finances

Most commonly asked questions about personal finance

Handling finances can be complicated, and it’s something that most people have difficulty with at some point in their lives. Many people find themselves with more questions than solutions on how to manage their money and achieve financial stability. This being said, finances don’t have to be overwhelming, and there are ways to feel more in …

How To Improve Business Storage For 2024
Career / Business & Finances

How To Improve Business Storage For 2024

As your business grows, so does the demand for storage. While more traditional forms of storage are available offline, the online domain has allowed for even more storage capabilities, and without needing to take up precious space in the physical workplace. Whether you’ve gone fully digital already or you’re looking to transition your paper storage …