With the festive party season now behind us, we’re all entitled to enjoy a little guilt-free JOMO and cosy up at home.
Cold weather, darkness, lack of money after the festive season and inevitable illness. Although it may be tempting to complain our way through January, instead embrace JOMO, or the ‘Joy of Missing Out’ to improve well-being during the winter months. Put simply, JOMO is the feeling of relief or happiness when we opt out of social plans to spend quality cosy time relaxing, resting, and enjoying simple pleasures at home instead.

In Scandinavia, they have very long winters with long periods of darkness and to get through the season, people like to create a relaxing and welcoming environment at home. I encourage you to embrace the ‘Joy of Missing Out’ this winter and take the time to enjoy your home as a place to relax, unwind and find happiness through home comforts.
Staying at home is free
After Christmas, many of us are scared to check our bank balances. Overspending on gifts and social events during the festive season is inevitable, but January is a great time to think of fun ways to keep yourself entertained without spending by going out.
Rather than heading out for an expensive meal, gather friends around and cook up a feast together (ask everyone to bring something to balance out the costs), have a movie night in, or host a games night. Being sociable doesn’t have to be expensive.

Make it cosy
A welcoming and cosy environment at home will make time spent at home far more enjoyable. Embrace Mysig, the Swedish term denoting cosiness, being kind to ourselves, enjoying little indulgences, and taking pleasure in simple things.
Mysig is about embracing downtime, making our homes cosy and spending quality time alone or with others. It’s fair to say that we Swedes get through our long winter by being devoted followers of Mysig living. Dim the lights, burn scented candles, stock up on boxsets and books, and add lots of cosy furnishings and blankets for the full cosy effect.

Quality time
Time spent at home can present a multitude of possibilities. Run a relaxing bath, boost your culinary skills by getting creative in the kitchen, do some baking, listen to a new podcast or immerse yourself in a novel or boxset. Whether enjoying these things alone or with friends or family, don’t feel guilty about staying in. Life can be very hectic, and your home can help you wind down.

Tidy home, tidy mind
If you’re struggling for space or simply have too much stuff, it’s time to declutter. Start by going through clothes and shoes. Be strict and ask yourself ‘does it fit, have I used it in the past 12 months, and does it make me happy?’ If it’s a no, then it’s got to go. The same goes for books you’ve never read or items that are no longer useful (which includes unwanted Christmas gifts). All can be given to charity shops.
Storage boxes are an inexpensive yet stylish way to keep everything in order; from paperwork to bedding and towels. You’ll be amazed at how much better you feel spending time in an orderly home.

Don’t feel bad about staying in
Social media would have us all believe that everyone is always out and having a great time, but this simply isn’t true and it’s not healthy to believe everything we see.
Although we are sociable creatures by nature and can all experience feelings of jealousy and a fear of missing out, it’s important to remember that social media is simply a snapshot of people’s lives, and usually only shows the most interesting, happiest or best parts.

A simple tip is to turn off your phone for periods of time, put a time limit on social media apps (you’ll receive a notification when you’ve reached your limit) and focus on disconnecting from the outside world and dedicating time to truly enjoying relaxation time at home.

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