Spending most of my life and winters in Norway has given me some interesting insight into the local culture. Since I hadn’t spent significant time in a cold climate since moving to the UK in 2008, I was curious to see how they managed to survive and thrive in extremely low temperatures and during the days of scarce sunlight.
Back in 2019, I went into winter in Norway with much trepidation. The thought of fleeting daylight hours, bitter cold, and dreary skies had me sprinting to the nearest pharmacy store to stock up on vitamin D supplements and giving myself mental pep talks every day leading up to my arrival.
It didn’t take long, to realise that Norwegians have their winter coping mechanisms down pat. What I re-learned was surprising in many ways, but proved incredibly valuable as I navigated my first Scandinavian winter in over a decade. I took cues from locals and applied their tactics to my daily routine and remained downright cheerful throughout!

Here are the main takeaway lessons from my winters in Norway.
They know how to dress
Dressing appropriately for winter may sound like a no-brainer, but this is the biggest lesson after spending 30 winters in Scandinavia. A full-length jacket is simply a must. Equally important are a thick scarf, leather gloves (or some other impermeable fabric), thermal underwear to wear under everything, wool or cashmere sweaters and socks, and a nice fitted hat that covers the ears.

They get outside
The reason dressing well is so important is because all through the winter, even on the coldest of days, you’ll find Norwegians outdoors taking advantage of what little daylight they are afforded. And I don’t just mean outside on their way to and from the grocery store, they are outside on walks, skating on frozen lakes, pushing strollers, and otherwise outdoors simply for the sake of it. Once I caught on to this behaviour and forced myself outside even when it sounded positively dreadful, I noticed a marked improvement in my mood and productivity. It turned out that those few minutes of sunlight each day were all I needed to be reminded that the outside world still existed and that there was, still plenty to live for.
READ MORE: 7 Benefits of Spending Time in Nature & 5 Ways to Connect with Nature
They exercise regularly
I alluded to this in the previous point, but Swedes are extremely active in the winter. Not only do Stockholmers walk to get to most places within the city, but they make working out a part of their daily routines. At any given time you’ll find joggers making use of the footpaths that line each island’s perimeter, couples taking strolls with or without children in tow, and even the occasional brave cyclist. Even outside of the cities and regardless of the weather, going for daily walks is a perfectly common occurrence, a trend that I wish would catch on in more parts of the world! Exercise is a known mood booster so it makes a lot of sense to prioritize it during the winter months when temperaments may otherwise suffer.

They take advantage of natural light
Have you ever noticed that Scandinavian design typically involves white everything? I’m talking white walls, white ceilings, white floors, and white decor. Not cream, not off-white, not eggshell, but white. Have you ever noticed that Scandinavian homes often have tons of windows? This is not a coincidence, my friends. The combination of a white interior and a plethora of windows means that every last ray of incoming light gets used to its full potential. In Swedish homes, that light bounces off every single surface, energizing its inhabitants and lending the space a cheery feel even in the dead of winter. It’s one of the things I love the most about the apartments in Stockholm, and something I plan to implement in my own ‘someday’ home.
READ MORE: 6 Ways to Choose the Right Lighting for Your Home
They decorate with fresh-cut flowers
Just about every Swedish home I saw had pops of colour here and there in the form of freshly cut flowers–typically tulips. Although tulips are associated most closely with Holland, Swedes are the largest buyers of the flower and even celebrate it with a holiday known as Tulpanens dag (Day of the Tulip). They are sold just about everywhere around the city; red tulips are popular around Christmastime, mixed colours are popular just about any time, and even white tulips (yes, more white) are gaining popularity.
They warm up with a fika
Taking a break for a coffee and a sweet pastry (known in Sweden as ‘fika’) wards off winter blues in several ways. For one, it’s a great excuse to get out of the cold and into a cosy cafe to let your fingers thaw. Secondly, fika is typically enjoyed with friends, and every bit of socialization is important when you’re otherwise locked up in an apartment (especially for those of us with non-traditional jobs that can be done from home–I’d never see another soul if I didn’t make the effort!). The coffee and pastry warm you up in a literal way, and lastly, I’ve never met anyone whose day couldn’t be brightened with a delicious, chewy kanelbulle (cinnamon bun).

I plan to carry these Nordic winter coping mechanisms with me for life. How do you stay happy and healthy through the winter?

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